Britain declares protesters against migration to be terrorists
Hawaii announces $4 billion settlement to silence Lahaina locals
Climate ghouls replace USSR as bogeyman for Western youth
Original text and footnotes here.
For more on the abolition of “land of my birth” see Carl Schmitt and the State of Exception — Europe's Parallel Reality: C02 And Degrowth - Turning nature into currency is a plan to resurrect the imperial heyday (May 09, 2024)
For my forecast that Ukraine would be forced to resort to Gladio-style insurgency against Russia see Eurasia note #32 - Ukraine May Meet Its Gladio from (Mar 09, 2024)
For the globalist attempt to demolish nations see Eurasia note #95: Ukraine's Swiss Deceit - Is Kyiv about to be duped by the Davos crowd? (May 26, 2024)
Audio: 3 Crises - Lahaina Laments, Britain Riots, War Rumbles