Eurasia note #32 - Ukraine May Meet Its Gladio
Insurgents may drag Russia into a version of Italy's 'Years of Lead' or Greece's 'Z'
U.S. is waging economic war against Russia, says Kremlin spokesman.
China says sanctions will not bring peace, slams Biden oil ban.
Six humanitarian corridors open Weds, with 12-hour ceasefire.
Two million citizens and foreign residents have now left Ukraine.
Azov Battalion mines in Mariupol claim lives of citizens.
Russians surround Kyiv to north-west and -east; approach Chernihiv
Chernobyl and Zaporozhye nuclear plants routine, Energograd calm.
(3,500 words or 11 minutes’ read — conclusion for paid subscribers)
Tbilisi, Mar 9, 2021
The Western press is in a tizzy about the letter ‘Z’ painted on Russian tanks and armoured vehicles, and even the vests of soldiers.
Even if we dimly perceived its meaning we would be ignorant of its significance to those who wear it. Is it za pobedy (to victory)? на запад (to the west)? No matter. The meaning is internal. Westerners had better search their own minds for meaning.
The letter Z was painted on Greek walls after military intelligence killed the politician Grigoris Lambrakis. It signified, Ζει, or “he lives.” The New York Times mocked the Greek people in 1975: “Greece sees ‘Z’ and gets excited.” Political murder is no joke.
Lambrakis was a medical doctor, an athlete, and a member of the resistance who had freed Greece from Nazi occupation. He was a peace activist during the time the Central Intelligence Agency was installing the Greek Colonels, a fascist regime that looks quaint by today’s impending standards.
Whoever staved in his skull, Lambrakis fell to the spear of Gladio, the NATO, CIA, MI6 operation to keep government in “right” hands. The problem Gladio addressed was that the fascists had just been forced out of power by, among others, communists, who were reaping the electoral reward. Gladio’s response was the tip of steel.
‘Z’ became the title of a 1969 movie by the director Costa-Gavras. Haaretz in 2016 carried an article: “Z Depicts Lethal Links Between Governments and Right-wing Thugs. Sound Familiar?”
The film begins with a general describing leftism as mildew, a parasitic disease, a germ to be eradicated. [1]
The pestilential parallels go further: the general says the protestors must be allowed to express themselves, so their opponents may vent their frustrations as “healthy antibodies.”
This is the long term language of fascism.
Two thoughts come to mind. The indiscriminate elimination of elements “counter” to order. And our lack of the 1970’s sensitivity to a right-wing, paramilitary apparatus that was “coiled around the heart” of democracy.
Looking more broadly at the circumstances that have dragged Europe like an unwilling creature back into the Colosseum, we see there is more to Russia-Ukraine than a local fist fight.
A guerrilla-style insurgency in Ukraine is increasingly mentioned as “inevitable” by the U.S. intelligence and foreign policy establishment.
Holding south and east Ukraine will not be possible without purging the west. In this analysis, taking the whole country would trigger a “bloody insurgency that could spread across multiple borders, perhaps even reaching into Belarus,” writes Douglas London in Foreign Affairs. [2]
This is a different outcome to that anticipated by former U.S. senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense, Col Doug Macgregor (Ret’d) who maintains that Russia is poised to eliminate Ukrainian troops if they don’t surrender. That could see the country split along the Dnieper river; the east and Kyiv forming an independent state and the western half a neutral buffer. His conclusion discounts Russian miscalculation or the guerilla advantage of Ukrainian militia and credits Russia with overwhelming force.
See Moneycircus, Mar 3, 2022 — Eurasia note #29 - New Russia-Ukraine Talks: Redrawing of borders looks inevitable, compromise likely, partition possible
Four days ago the guerrilla war went mainstream when the Washington Post reported “Plans for a US-backed insurgency in Ukraine.” The idea being that if the Russians hold onto the country, a guerilla war would be launched to bog them down.
Many commentators cite the examples of Afghanistan and Syria. The nearer parallel is NATO’s Operation Gladio, when fascists and military intelligence-linked assets conducted assassinations and bombings across Europe, often timed for elections.
The question is whether the forces behind the virulently anticommunist Operation Gladio view modern day Russia in the same light as the Soviet Union. The language and actions of NATO, which oversaw Gladio, suggest they do.
Far from an unintended consequence, what could be more effective from NATO’s perspective than drawing Russia into a quagmire on its borders — as opposed to the merely latent threat of missile placement?
President Volodymyr Zelenskiy might have surrendered by now if those who put him in power let him conclude a sober analysis of Ukraine’s options at this point and pursue his offer of neutrality.
Stories have been floated in the media that Russia plans to assassinate him. It is far more likely that the “social nationalists” in Ukraine’s parliament and Waffen SS-venerating militia are holding a gun to his head. They have assassinated several politicians in recent days.
See Moneycircus, Mar 7, 2022 — Eurasia note #31 - Heart With Ukraine, Head With Russia: We must understand what Russia is doing and where it fits in the globalist agenda
These militias are the tools of Ukraine’s ruling oligarchs and their necocon allies who cement their power. The U.S. State Department, like Western analysts, are fully aware that these are not local skinheads with a dubious taste in music.
The CIA has provided paramilitary training at a facility in the southern U.S. since the Obama administration, beginning in 2015, as revealed by Yahoo News in Jan 2022. [3]
Ukraine was described in 2019 as an “emerging epicenter” of extremism that reached into the U.S. military, and as part of an internationally-financed network. [4]
While the U.S. works with extremists in Ukraine, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security points to the same threat at home. [5]
Since Russia’s entry to Ukraine there have been many references, in military journals and news media, to the likelihood of unconventional warfere. This is defined as “the support of a foreign insurgency or resistance movement... unconventional warfare structure by guerrilla organizations.” NATO continues to research “The Psychosocial Factors of Unconventional Warfare.” [6] [Link no longer works. This paragraph edited for clarity 09/22/2022]
As with bioweapons research, everything is acknowledged in the negative. You can’t have a vaccine without a virus, so everything becomes vaccine research. Everything becomes counter: countering threat networks, counterterrorism and counterinsurgency even though the practice of military intelligence, like the FBI, is to infiltrate and cultivate extremist networks in the name of countering them, to the extent of provocateurs instigating and arming activists.
There is plenty of precedent for stirring trouble on Russia’s borders: it blames the CIA for inflaming Chechen separatism in the 1990s. The question is the nature of that war, which in Ukraine would be quite different to the remote, mountainous conflict of Chechnya or Afghanistan.
Mayhem on the streets of European capitals would likely incur more civilian casualties, while the propaganda element could see atrocities committed in order to discredit the other side. Furthermore, with insurgents finding refuge and striking across borders, there is a high risk of contagion into neighbouring countries.
This further suggests the correct parallel is not Syria or Afghanistan but Operation Gladio. In fact, according to FBI whistleblower and terrorism researcher Sibel Edmonds, it is the continuation.
The editor of Newsbud says Gladio never ended but evolved under the guise of the War on Terror.
The stay-behind armies, designed to stop western Europe falling under communist influence are acknowledged. Their role in bombings and murders are disputed by the U.S. government but evidenced by judicial inquiries in five countries and the European Parliament. In the 1990s it was taken seriously by state media like the BBC and featured in a documentary by Alan Francovich. [7]
Edmonds says Gladio B or 2.0 has the aim of “projecting U.S. power in the former Soviet sphere of influence to access previously untapped strategic energy and mineral reserves for U.S. and European companies; pushing back Russian and Chinese power; and expanding the scope of lucrative criminal activities, particularly illegal arms and drugs trafficking.” [8]
State of Siege
The failure of Washington and Moscow to talk the same language is due in part to inherent differences in the purpose of their diplomacy. Russians, like many central European nations with their diplomatic academies, take statecraft very seriously. This comes naturally to countries whose land borders require them to treat with their neighbours every day.
Though the United States has the world's longest international border, at 8,800 km or 5,500 miles, with Canada, its economic and military dominance allows it to behave like an island. This is reflected in its dereliction when it comes to appreciating the perspective of other countries.
The British isles are similarly introverted. What has been inadmissible and appalling during this crisis is that politicians of France, Germany and the European Union know full well the cost of unstable borderlands — and how quickly these turn to bloodlands.
See Moneycircus, Feb 13, 2022 — Eurasia note #21 - UK Foreign Flub: Diplomatic trek to Moscow fails to build understanding on Ukraine
“Oopsie” does not explain how we’ve got to the reality of a new European war. Nor does the fatuous parroting by media that Putin, like Hitler, is simply mad. This is narrative. Causality lies elsewhere.
Neoconservatives like U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland are principals — especially since they put the current Ukraine regime in power.
Their eagerness for war in the Mid East reflects their heritage and ties to Israel, and Jacob Heilbrunn, in his 2008 book, “They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of the Neocons,” attributes to their “prophetic” turn of mind the fact that they never lost their hatred and zeal for bringing down Russia, whether it was communist or post-communist.
See Moneycircus, Mar 4, 2022 — Eurasia note #30 - When Is A Nazi Not?: Hush now, when he's doing our work. Nuland calls Russia's security concerns fantasy.
Everybody’s paid and even neocons have their employers. The Mid East resource wars of vice-president Dick Cheney, who helped Paul Wolfowitz get the job as deputy to defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, clearly benefit regional powers, corporations and often individual investors.
The Central Intelligence Agency gained control of the State Department, or at least it’s decisive floors, as early as the 1950s according to former U.S. ambassador to Cuba, Earl T. Smith. The CIA in turn grew out of the Wall Street corporate lawyers and bankers representing Rockefeller interests.
The press, if you hadn’t noticed, sings from the same hymn sheet. In the New York Times and The Washington Post you may find faint clues. You will have to look to other sources for analysis as to their significance.
For the love of insurgency
The WaPo waxes strangely lyrical about guerrilla war.
Dec 2021 — “Ukrainians are already talking about waging guerrilla warfare if the Russians invade, Gen. Oleksandr Pavlyuk told the New York Times.”
Sep 2021 — “After 20 years of waging religious guerrilla warfare, Taliban fighters in Kabul say they miss the battle.”
Apr 2017 — “‘The guerrilla wins if he does not lose.’ Henry Kissinger's beautifully concise summation of asymmetric warfare captures something essential...”
In 2003, WaPo discusses the legality of such warfare:
“An ambush by itself does not breach the laws of war. But an ambush by combatants dressed like civilians is clearly illegal. International law makes distinctions between lawful ruses -- such as the use of camouflage, decoys and misinformation -- and unlawful deceit. The law prohibits the killing or injuring of the enemy by treacherous or perfidious means: by feigning surrender or incapacitating wounds and then opening fire, for example.” [9]
Operation Gladio
Gladio was an antidemocratic operation that bloodily resisted any accommodation with the left-of-center coalition, such as between Italy’s Socialists and Christian Democrats. Gladio in many ways mirrored the CIA’s actions in Indonesia and South-East Asia in the years after WW2. [10]
The Bologna Massacre occurred two months after the Italian Communist Party swept the 1980 elections in Emilia-Romagna, having won twice as many votes as Christian Democracy, and formed a government with the Italian Socialist Party. A bomb exploded at the Bologna railway station on Aug 2 that killed 85 people and wounded 200.
Less than two months later a bomb exploded at the Munich Oktoberfest, killing 13 people. That happened a couple of days before parliamentary elections in West Germany, and did not hurt the election chances of the CDU’s Franz-Josef Strauß, known for his anti-communist stance.
As recently as 2004, 10 bombs were planted on Madrid commuter trains that killed 193 and injured 2000. It was three days before the election, with polls favouring the conservative People’s Party of José María Aznar, which supported the neocon’s Iraq war. The media immediately blamed ETA but when that allegation proved unsustainable, the narrative broke down and the media switched to Al Qaeda. Ironically this inflamed opposition to the Iraq War and Aznar lost to the Spanish Socialist Workers Party of José Louis Rodríguez Zapatero. [11]
Gladio exposed
The Bologna bombing was one of the events that exposed Operation Gladio. The short version is that the U.S. State Department in 2006 admitted there were stay-behind units in Europe, but denied that the U.S. ordered, supported, or authorized terrorism by these units.
Many separate inquiries, however, have linked these terrorist units to various parts of the state.
Judge Guido Salvini of the Italian Massacres Commission, concluded that some right-wing terrorist organizations of the Years of Lead: La Fenice, National Vanguard and Ordine Nuovo were the trench troops of a secret army, remotely controlled by exponents of the Italian state apparatus and linked to the CIA.
What would these prosecutors say, if they could judge the crimes we are poised to witness?
A Swiss inquiry found that British intelligence cooperated with their army in an operation named P-26 and provided training in combat, communications, and sabotage. It found that P-26 would organize resistance in case of a Soviet invasion, but would also become active should the left succeed in achieving a parliamentary majority.
A Belgian inquiry failed to prove Belgian secret services were complicit but said the service refused to identify agents which could have eliminated all doubt.
A 2000 an Italian parliamentary report found that terrorist massacres and bombings had been organised, promoted or supported by men inside Italian state institutions who were linked to American intelligence. The report also said the United States was guilty of promoting the strategy of tension.
And that's just the version from intel-linked Wikipedia.
One contentious document in the field of Gladio research is U.S. Army Field Manual 30-31B, a document said to be a classified appendix to a U.S. Army Field Manual that describes insurgency tactics. Wikipedia, the CIA and the U.S. State Department insist it is a Soviet-era forgery. The Cryptome foundation, which specialises in cryptography, dual-use technologies, national security and intelligence, regards the field manual as genuine. [12]
Keepers of the holy flame
Using the lens of Gladio, the continental nature of the competition with Russia becomes apparent. Although plans for a Franco-German alliance took shape in the interwar years, after the Third Reich Germany’s dominant role in the United States of Europe was assured. At the same time, Germany was limited to a defensive force and denied a General Staff corps.
Germany’s role, along with that of Italy, as the security police of Europe — the Gestapo, its Italian precursor the OVRA, and many variants of the Sicherheitsdienst and Ordnungspolizei — was continued by the networks of the CIA, MI6 and NATO. They ensured that the atrocities of fascism did not result in the swing to an opposite polarity; they may have continued the fascist project.
See Moneycircus, Oct, 2021 — NAZI Bargain And The Post-War Order: Did the WW2 settlement cloak plans to revive the fascist project?
Here we travel full circle and see why it is that those who supervise domestic terror, such as MI5 in Britain and the U.S. DHS, have switched their focus to “white” extremism. We have already seen above that the Ukrainian “keepers of the Nazi flame” are networked internationally and that leads us to the internal extremism described as white supremacism.
It is important not to get snagged by words that limit our perception. For example, reference to the Ku Klux Klan conjours D. W. Griffith’s film The Birth of a Nation (2015). It helps to obscure the technocratic, corporatist, cutting-edge perpetrators of fascism.
The U.S. media — which we may objectively conclude is controlled by central intelligence — usually portrays “white supremacists” as fuddy-duddies, sporting Brylcreemed hair parted severely to the side in some anachronism of 1930s Hitler pose.
The U.S. media then portrays the Progressive alternative, rainbow-wigged in a garter belt, of hazy provenance and gender.
Since this enactment of opposites comes from the same source — even if you reject my contention that its uniformity implies central control — the attempt to manipulate is clear.
And present J6, or the incursion to the Capital of Jan 6th, 2021, is shown to have been coordinated by the Federal Bureau of Investigations. [13]
Retro haircuts cannot disguise the evidence of continuity between these “white supremacists” connected to Ukraine’s fascists who may shortly perform a Gladio role, in turn replacing that of the Gestapo.
WaPo makes this link itself. It is not only talking of guerrilla war abroad. In an opinion piece Dana Millbank discussed the likelihood of violence in the United States. She quoted Barbara F. Walter, a political science professor at the University of California at San Diego, who serves on a CIA advisory panel called the Political Instability Task Force that monitors countries around the world and predicts which of them are most at risk of deteriorating into violence.
Walter writes that the United States is now an “anocracy,” somewhere between a democracy and an autocratic state. [14]
“A partial democracy is three times as likely to experience civil war as a full democracy.”
Nazi problem
It valid to doubt Russian avowals. Denazification was a rallying cry, selected to resonate with Defenders of the Fatherland day that was Feb 23, the eve of the move into Ukraine.
The Kremlin likely appreciates how difficult it would be to rid Ukraine of Waffen SS-worshipers but that only raises a bigger question: if not removed, the nationalists now have a increased incentive to make trouble long term — even guerilla action, as the Washington Post has hinted.
There is lots of evidence that Nazis didn't die in '45 — see the Moneycircus articles listed above. Yet the Phoney War continues. People are dying. The bodies are real. The motive is hidden beneath the shifting sands of current narrative and historical resonance.
Out there in the dunes is the Anglo-Zionist, British-Israel interest with a keen eye on geopolitical tectonics. In another part of the desert, the prospectors are mapping aquifers and oil. The weapons manufacturers are setting tribes against each other, seeking to generate conflict and arms sales, the drug of their permanent war economy.
A festering wound in Ukraine serves better than North Korea or Cuba ever did, in order to justify dollar-emblazoned missiles.
The war is on the ground in Ukraine. The greater game is the Mid East, or down in Yemen where the oil shipping routes are contested, or in Syria who just joined China’s Belt and Road initiative but whose oil is eyed — and already acquired in the Golan Heights — by Rothschild and accomplices. And always pipelines, to be built, shuttered or in Ukraine, blown up.
The people are about to discover that shortage and rationing suit The Investors just as well as a consumer economy of planned obsolesence or plenitude.
[1] Haaretz, 2016 — 'Z' Depicts Lethal Links Between Governments and Right-wing Thugs. Sound Familiar
[2] Foreign Affairs, Feb 25, 2022 — The Coming Ukrainian Insurgency: Russia’s Invasion Could Unleash Forces the Kremlin Can’t Control
[3] Yahoo News, Jan 13, 2022 — CIA-trained Ukrainian paramilitaries may take central role if Russia invades
[4] Soufan Center, 2019 (PDF) — The Transnational Rise of the Violent White Supremacist Movement
[5] DHS, Feb 7, 2022 (PDF) — National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin
[6] NATO Science and Technology Org, 2021 — Psychosocial Factors of Unconventional Warfare
[7] Alan Francovich, BBC, 1992 — Operation Gladio
[8] Ceasefire, 2013 — Why was a Sunday Times report on US government ties to al-Qaeda chief spiked?
[9] Washington Post, 2003 — Rules Between Guerrilla Warfare and War Crimes
[10] Rob Cousteau, 2019 — NATO’s Secret Armies, Operation Gladio, and JFK
[11] Fair Observer, Aug 2020 — The Bologna Attack of 1980: Italy’s Unhealed Wound
[11] ANSA, Jan 2021 — Bologna bombing was 'State massacre' says court
[12] Cryptome Foundation — Analysis of Pentagon document, Field Manual FM 30-31B
[13] Miami Standard, Mar 9 — NYT Reporter Says ‘Ton Of FBI Informants’ Were At J6 – Calls Traumatized Fellow Journos ‘Bi*ches’
[14] WaPo Dec 2021 -- Opinion: ‘We are closer to civil war than any of us would like to believe,’ new study says
So much of my own thinking affirmed in your posts.
One example being Germany having lost the War, but most certainly not the Nazis.
I'll refine/define our status quo to plutocratic anocracy. (Yeah, it goes w/o saying, but there, I've said it anyway.)
The CIA infiltration of the military was priority one, still in the 1940s. By the time of JFK's assassination, multiple members of the JCS---including General Lyman Lemnitzer Chairman JCS, were bona fide double agents of the U.S. government under A. Dulles. Several of JFK's closest advisors too.
The man who was there. The man who was everywhere (history-defining) during his illustrious military career, the man who was liaison between the JCS and the CIA, Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty.
He documented it all---all that he could. Numerous EeewTube videos and a good number of recordings of his speeches and radio interviews still exist. This is my favorite gem, his book the CIA 'disappeared,' much like the destroyed plates of Professor Carroll Quigley's first edition of" Tragedy and Hope." But it arose, Phoenix-like, from the ashes. He details its travails in the intro here: