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So much of my own thinking affirmed in your posts.

One example being Germany having lost the War, but most certainly not the Nazis.

I'll refine/define our status quo to plutocratic anocracy. (Yeah, it goes w/o saying, but there, I've said it anyway.)

The CIA infiltration of the military was priority one, still in the 1940s. By the time of JFK's assassination, multiple members of the JCS---including General Lyman Lemnitzer Chairman JCS, were bona fide double agents of the U.S. government under A. Dulles. Several of JFK's closest advisors too.

The man who was there. The man who was everywhere (history-defining) during his illustrious military career, the man who was liaison between the JCS and the CIA, Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty.

He documented it all---all that he could. Numerous EeewTube videos and a good number of recordings of his speeches and radio interviews still exist. This is my favorite gem, his book the CIA 'disappeared,' much like the destroyed plates of Professor Carroll Quigley's first edition of" Tragedy and Hope." But it arose, Phoenix-like, from the ashes. He details its travails in the intro here:


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