21 hrs agoLiked by Moneycircus

Very insightful , many thanks. Such a powerful stroke of positivity to see Russia pushing back on the UN pact. The multi decade plan of technocracy cannot succeed with Russia and her supporters pushing back.

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Yes and for what it's worth, U.S. congress has made it clear they will also not play ball the bloated oligarch's.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Moneycircus

'So why did it just reject the UN power grab, Pact for the Future, that gives the secretary-general authority to declare emergencies and tell nations how to respond?' - interesting question; and a pundit that may shed some light vis-a-vis said query is one Riley Waggaman; who through the skeptical eye of his interrogator, Mike Whitney ('globalresearch.ca') had the following to say:

'Russia has a “domestic passport” that basically functions as a national ID. You use your domestic passport to open up a bank account, and for when you have to interact with the local bureaucracy. It’s an important document that you need to do ordinary, everyday things.'

'The digital passport has been billed as an electronic copy of the domestic passport, accessible via smartphone (via the State Services portal, Gosuslugi). The government is still deciding in what situations/scenarios the digital passport will be accepted as a valid form of ID.'

'The fact that this ID will be linked to the State Services portal (Gosuslugi) is certainly cause for concern and it’s easy to imagine how digital passports could be used (and abused) by the Russian government—or any government, for that matter. All in the name of convenience.'

'Of course, the authorities promise that digital IDs will never be made mandatory. Well, I’m old enough to remember when the Russian government promised that Covid vaccination would be 100% voluntary.'

'Excluding the possibility of imposing a full-spectrum digital gulag, the digital ruble has no obvious benefits. I would say the same of all CBDCs, of course.'

'Some claim that the digital ruble is a very necessary, prudent, and brilliant way to bypass Western sanctions. This is untrue. The Bank of Russia has a fully functional Financial Messaging System (SPFS) that operates independently from SWIFT.'

'I’m puzzled as to why so many westerners who claim to understand the dangers of CBDCs think the digital ruble is somehow “different”. The Bank of Russia’s CBDC has been almost unanimously condemned by the country’s most prominent commentators in the alternative/conservative media space. Even mainstream outlets like Tsargrad have published scathing take-downs of the digital ruble.'

'If Russia’s enterprising health ministry—which works tirelessly to safeguard public health—decides that “Covid” is “spreading” at an unacceptable rate, various categories of citizens will have to choose between getting vaxxed or losing their jobs. This is of course still voluntary vaccination because Russians get to choose whether they want to be employed or inject themselves with an unproven genetic goo developed in cooperation with AstraZeneca.'

'The Gamaleya Center continues to “update” its Covid vaccine, and the Russian government continues to shill this dangerous and barely tested trash to children. Whether Covid vaccination will become as ubiquitous and “normal” as the annual flu shot (which is even shoved into the little arms of Russian children every year; I know because I had to sign a document forbidding the kindergarten nurse from injecting my 6-year-old son) is an open question.'

'Is Moscow fighting the western oligarchy in Ukraine? Gazprom has been pumping gas across Ukraine since Day 1 of the Special Military Operation (SMO). And that’s not the only natural resource that Russian “entrepreneurs” are desperately transiting through Ukrainian territory.'

'But to address the second part of your question: Anyone who follows Russian-language media knows that Moscow is in near-total lockstep with the West when it comes to soul-crushing technocracy and other forms “safe and convenient” societal progress. Actually, an objective observer would recognize that Russia is far ahead of the West in implementing “digitalization” shilled by Davos and other celebrated globalist organizations.'

'Putin has done nothing meaningful to slow this process down. Actually, by allowing glorious patriots like Herman Gref to spearhead AI, biometrics, QR-coded cattle-tagging, facial recognition systems, “sustainable development”, and other trendy tech-development in Russia, Putin is an unapologetic accomplice in all the unsavory madness pestering Russia and every other country.'

So, with these facts outlined by Waggaman, it appears that Russia - notwithstanding the aforementioned rejection of the UN power grab, i.e., Pact for the Future, - is on a trajectory that's not too dissimilar than most of the West when it comes to the NWO/Agenda 2030/Digital gulag!

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6 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoAuthor

Some in the Alt media say all the big countries are complicit in forming a one-world government, but that barely exposes its nature!

We know that Rockefeller, Clinton and Gates Foundations have infiltrated almost every bureaucracy - to the point where coordinated action is obvious. It is a way of shutting down a vibrant discussion of the enemy we face, and how we fight them.

'I’m puzzled as to why so many westerners who claim to understand the dangers of CBDCs think the digital ruble is somehow “different”.

This is Waggaman's straw man. People do not regard Russia's digital ruble as a "softer" version of CBDC... after all Russia's domestic passports (and residence permits) are the Soviet legacy that the West is so keen to ape.

With respect, the last sentence misses the point. Countries cannot avoid technology - bio-digital ID is here - it will be adopted (technology has no morality or logic, the point is how you use it).

The logic argues for internal security just as much as one-world compliance - nationalism as much as internationalism - what is the objective?

State security, population management, internal deportations - these are the reasons the Bolsheviks (and their financiers) introduced accompanying documentation and tracking.

The same methods are used today - look at the land grabs in Hawaii and Gaza. But many won't.

See part three - the biggest deception of all!

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