Today we have very few people who stand up against the corporate state.

The reflex of the majority is to assume the greater good.

It's finished. It's over.

Make a good death.

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Well said. Deserves a million likes.

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This is the mechanism for the "Coming of the Messiah".

This is End Times.

All Media Industry public relations have become a "Mass Formation Event".

Observe the "Taylor Barbenheimer" behaviour: "It's popular; I'm in".

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Glad you mentioned the Mongols. A vast power sphere with centers in Bejing, Russia, Persia and Delhi would, if it still existed, send shivers down the spine of US strategists. Belt-and-Road comes to mind.

It seems the US and the Brits have realized that they will lose their European colonies rather sooner than later if they are not prepared to take harsh measures. So they are willing to sacrifice their European vassals if they thereby can weaken Russia to an extent that would enable them to get behind China's back. Geopolitcs rather than astrology.

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There is a question that i have had regarding 'Mongols' vs anglo/whiteys:

What had happened within the Mongol power structure to realize that accumulating power was not the end-all-be-all, that they evolved and accepted Islam and stopped being so bad-assed?

Was it a tipping point within it's ethnic culture that regarded, "Yes! Kumbaya!", and chose a much more conscious path? Is this the tipping point "western Civ' needs to realize that "how terribly misguided we are?"

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There is a lot to that. Bohumil Hrabal and Ivo Andrić put us right long ago... We still bombed Yugoslavia instead of understanding it.

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"Bohumil Hrabal and Ivo Andrić"

Who and who?

I have some reading to do...

Thank you!

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Andric won a prize for The Bridge on the Drina (1945) in the era of non-aligned, anti-Cold War 1900's moderate hope for co-existence.

Bohumil Hrabal wrote later and is even more suppressed.

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Interesting question! The Golden Horde in southern Russia doesn't seem to have been much impressed by Western i.e. Christian culture. In Russia they plundered monasteries and churches on a regular basis. The ones that dominated Persia, however, seem to have been attracted by ancient cultures there. Timur built residences in Shiraz, Tabris and Samarkand. One of his grandsons even became an illuminator of precious books. The Mughals (i.e. Mongols) who started out as horse breeders and horse thieves in Central Asia and who finally captured Delhi were only replaced a few hundred years later by British Raj. Many think the Taj Mahal should be ranked among the Wonders of the World. China? Well, if nothing else the Mongols caused the Chinese to build their Great Wall to keep out the former once and for all.

It seems empires without inherent or adopted culture vanish rather sooner than later. What does that mean for Washington D.C.?

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A good point. It seems that the Anglo-American Establishment will sacrifice their home base in order to secure their former imperial colonies, having realised the resources in the Sahel, South East Asia, South America and above all Russia are worth more than England, Berlin, Paris or Washington.

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