
Today we have very few people who stand up against the corporate state.

The reflex of the majority is to assume the greater good.

It's finished. It's over.

Make a good death.

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Apr 6·edited Apr 6Liked by Moneycircus

This is the mechanism for the "Coming of the Messiah".

This is End Times.

All Media Industry public relations have become a "Mass Formation Event".

Observe the "Taylor Barbenheimer" behaviour: "It's popular; I'm in".

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Apr 8Liked by Moneycircus

Glad you mentioned the Mongols. A vast power sphere with centers in Bejing, Russia, Persia and Delhi would, if it still existed, send shivers down the spine of US strategists. Belt-and-Road comes to mind.

It seems the US and the Brits have realized that they will lose their European colonies rather sooner than later if they are not prepared to take harsh measures. So they are willing to sacrifice their European vassals if they thereby can weaken Russia to an extent that would enable them to get behind China's back. Geopolitcs rather than astrology.

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