Nov 9, 2021Liked by Moneycircus

I just found your Substack today from a link on Zero Hedge. This is great stuff.

I'm really glad you brought up Rwanda, I went down a pretty unexpected rabbit hole a few weeks ago.

Someone shared this very short YouTube clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDCG0FoUSvw - DR. PIERRE GILBERT an important message from 1995

He's talking about using vaccinations to allow the control of people using electromagnetic frequencies. But at the end, he says that this has already been done, in Rwanda.

This really piqued my interest because I had recently read the following:

"The Catholics of Rwanda were only slightly better catechized than the average American Catholic, so I was surprised when we heard the descriptions of the genocidal killers: “Walking like insect,” “black inhuman eyes,” “scared himself when he looked in a mirror…”

Obviously, these are descriptions of possessed people by people who had never been involved in an exorcism. Perhaps they didn’t even know what an exorcism was. Why then were they using terms of what exorcists call “manifestations”? The more descriptions I heard from the living of those who had brought so many to the doors of death, the more I realized: A good chunk of the entire nation’s killers in Rwanda in 1994 were not just oppressed. They were possessed. I had never heard of an entire nation becoming possessed before."


Then I found out about Operation Crimson Mist, which was allegedly used in Rwanda:

"It is important to note here that the lethal trick repeated hundreds of times by the C-130 Hercules in Rwanda during April – July 1994, was not “classic mind control” in the ultimate conspiratorial meaning of the term, i.e. where people claim to hear complicated messages inside their heads, or where it is feared that the NSA [or similar] intend to turn everyone into helpless Zombies by implanting electronic chips in their arms or necks. What the C-130 crew were actually engaged in was “electromagnetically augmenting” a pre-existing state."


Finally, I was discussing this with someone on 4Chan, this is what they said:

"Legit trigger warning on this post for nightmare fuel.

It lines up with everything I have read about Rwanda.

It's alarming that CRT (Critical Race Theory) people are always using the phrase "do the work," which is exactly the language the Rwanda killers used.

They would get up each morning and without enthusiasm, like exhausted farmhands, go out to kill their neighbors, who often put up no resistance. They resorted to torture just to break up the monotony of killing. People killed their own spouses, their friends and coworkers, their neighbors' kids. When it was all over with, one of these men has the ... audacity? (hard to imagine there's even a word for this) to pop in at his neighbor's home and "ask her pardon" for butchering her four children."

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OK this is a fascinating find and would provide a possible mechanism for the sudden "lack of oxygen":


"Important to realize "5G" is a whole band of frequencies , In normal operation phone 5G transmitters will not use 60GHz precisely because it does interact with oxygen , weather in the air , or blood stream ...Because of this it cannot travel far, because all the energy is expended exciting the O2 molecules in the air so nothing will reach your phone , or your body where the problems can occur , The problem occurs is in your Blood Stream .. there it makes the O2 molecules wiggle , and they can't be captured by the hemoglobin.

So 5G satellites are definitely not a worry when it comes to oxygen absorption , a 60GHz signal will never reach the surface all it's energy will be dissipated in the oxygen in the atmosphere , satellites must use another frequency in the 5G band ,so these can only be used for mind control/influence and tracking ...

Terrestrial transmitters can be used for 60GHz , but again the air will stop the signal so they have to be very close to the victim. 50 meters or so ... NOW these will not be using 60 GHz because it will reduce the travel of the signal and makes it expensive for phone/internet use ... but they maybe able to switch these masts to 60GHz , we don't know , then the signal can excite the oxygen in the blood stream , reducing the ability of the hemoglobin to capture it and use it in the body."

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This is a very good summary thank you. My immediate view of watching Scott on the podium was that the subwoofers were excessive. I said at the time that my initial instinct was that the combination of low frequency high volume sound and recent vaccination could have been responsible for the deaths - which btw has never happened before in a concert with young people in the absence of a stampede.

This gets us to Korea, a lot of young people in a small alley with the same kind of booming music being heard on one of two videos.

I think these kids were killed, and nobody talked about it again.

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