Succinctly to the crux of the matter, you've addressed the core issue while most reporting on the #OneMedia Matrix simply beat around the bush.

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So the big guys got paid to cull chickens/eggs. Then Raise Prices.

How U.S. Taxpayers Bailed Out the Poultry Industry, and Helped Entrench Avian FluThe U.S. has failed to contain bird flu. The $1.46 billion industry bailout is one reason why. Links & graphs


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excellent insights vis-a-vis the current events of the day; kudos to your effort and diligence in attempting to keep up with the creeps & cretins (aka, superordinates; tptb; kakistocracy; etc.) who never grow weary of taking down another piece of the wall/sphere (i.e., orbit; atmosphere; sun; government; school; company; community; family; friend; skin; - and, most sadly, soul-cum-spirit) that has served, up until now, as a buffer for millions of peoples over the years. In attempting to discern a pattern vis-a-vis said motives of agencies s/a USAID one can only guess; but, for me at least, the only pattern i espy is related to the concept of Tikkun Olam; wherein everything must be turned to dust b/f the subsequent arising of the new world order can fully manifest itself {via massive - and endless - intrusions/infiltrations of high-tech; in all spheres of society - most significantly the human sphere (i.e., brain; heart; blood; skin)} *. That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!

* This may be a case of stating the patently obvious (which I am a Master of lol); but, quite frankly, it's the only pattern - and concomitant rationale - that i can discern at this time and place of history.

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The greatest "achievement" of the 'Murican coup d'etat spree, beginning in the 1960s and onwards to this very day, is increased destabilization of each and every affected region. It is true what you write that

"Largely secular states were overthrown by foreign destabilisation or military force. In no case was change democratic. In each case some group complains about human rights violations which allows the U.S. to intervene and install a new fellow, who then deliver real human rights violations.",

and in most cases the overthrown secular order was replaced by a fanatical one.

Beginning with the Iranian revolution that brought us both the present Islamic Republic with its supreme Ayatollah leadership and the equally fanatical sect-like MEK who have spurred controversy wherever they've been "temporarily relocated" (i.e. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/nov/09/mek-iran-revolution-regime-trump-rajavi), later followed by the Taliban who were directly funded, equipped and supported by Kissinger's/Brzezinski's US State Department. Later on we saw the "Bosnian mujahideen", as well as Somalian and Chechenian Salafist religious fanatics and this latest strategy finally "bloomed" with the creation of the Islamic State with all of its alphabet soup gangs and groupings, which nowadays rule over Syria.

In essence, all of the above is a part of the long-term strategy of the Empire known as "ordo ab chao" (an iteration of Icke's old adage problem-reaction-solution), which constitutes of creating long-term "latent crises" in every corner of the globe, so that the Empire can control events and in that way prevent competition and break-away states/regions from rising to serious independent statures on the world stage. That is the essence of Operation Gladio B (or Gladio 2), as witnessed and documented by researchers such as Sibel Edmonds and James Corbett (https://wideshut.co.uk/gladio-b-the-origins-of-natos-secret-islamic-terrorist-proxies/)

Unfortunately, said strategy is far from being deutilized and we are yet to see much more of the same, if not worse, as the decline of the "pest from the west" progresses on...

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