Things are often not like they seem and folks in their 20's have a hard time understanding this due to their passion. It's hard for someone like myself (approaching 60) to not get caught up in emotion, propaganda, and becoming brainwashed. Good article. I will check out your blog further.

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Apr 28Liked by Moneycircus

Most people presently in their twenties are really at the mentality of 16 year olds. Many 30/40 y.o. still have their sensitivities still in adolescence as they have believed all the convenient narratives over the years, and the cognitive dissonance of our times.

The big dissonance right now is that the treatment of Canada's downtrodden by neglect and legislated poverty is parallel to the genocide of Palestinians and it is far too ugly to contemplate.

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The "ethnic cleansing" of the dispossessed is going to be a universal Western phenomenon - but it seems to be most advanced in Canada, while being normalised in Gaza and Maui.

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Definitely. It’s very obvious if one cares to look.

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Religious fanatics in Israel, Gaza/Paalestine/Iran and America are why Gaza is being obliterated.

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Not wrong but investments in gas fields (look Sunak's step father's business), real estate in Palestinian stolen land are also reasons to consider...


https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2023/11/358843/chasing-dollars-rishi-sunak-under-scrutiny-for-rejecting-gaza-ceasefire :

"Rabat - As Israel ramps up its bloody, criminal ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza, pro-Palestine protesters and independent commentators in the UK have questioned the country’s prime minister’s rejection of a much-needed humanitarian ceasefire that would save countless lives...

"...Many, including netizens, have been looking for answers to explore why the British PM would disagree with a ceasefire, undertaking efforts to also know more about his family background in the search for reasons behind his cabinet’s blatant complicity in the war crimes being perpetrated on a daily basis by Israel against the Palestinian people. .

Some have suggested that one of the reasons could be the financial interests of Sunak’s family, recalling Israel’s October 30 decision to award gas exploration licences to two companies, including BP, a multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London.

The announcement came amid Israeli shelling against Gaza.

Months before the Israeli announcement, news reports in May reported on Infosys, an Indian IT firm owned by Rishi Sunak’s in-laws, which signed a $1.5 billion deal with BP in May.

Infosys is a large technology company co-founded by Sunak father in law.

News outlet the National said on August 2 that “just two months before Rishi Sunak opened hundreds of new licences for oil and gas extraction in the North Sea, an IT firm founded by his father-in-law signed a $1.5 billion deal with energy giant BP.”

This comes amid criticism from many, including opposition parties and climate change petitioners, who opposed his announcement of 100 new licences for oil and gas extraction in the North Sea."

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Religion is always an excuse.

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Religion is thr resoon for what is going on in Gaza , and I odn’t find many peopl e who see it that way. Thst’s not an excuse, it is why it is happpening.

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May 2·edited May 2

The reason the Palestinians fight is because it is an EXISTENTIAL FIGHT - they are fighting for their survival;

the reason the Zio-Israelis fight is purely MATERIALISTIC, Mammon Worship. They are fighting over STUFF: they are trying to steal Palestinian land which they have no ownership of and killing the original Semites: the Palestinians.

Mammon Worship: Purely the bastardization of any religion.

Religion is merely ideology of Spiritualism.

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The Palestenians are not fighting, in Gaza. They are being slaughtered, starved, displaced, while Hamas keeps using its October 7 hostages to try to get its people out of Israel prisons. Hamas doesn’t care about the people of Gaza, it only cares about its mission to destroy Israel. Hamas is a jihad organization. Look at its original charter, and its amended charter. Sinwar spent a long time in prison in Israel. He figured out how Israel’s psychology. works. He figured out Hamas never would beat Israel and America militarily, so he designed an attack that would get Israel to respond as it did with America’s help, to turn the entire world against Israel and America. Look at the anti-Israel/President protests at American college campuses today. I am in no way defending Israel. It is run by religious fanatics. It was a mistake to create Israel in the first place. The Scriptures of the three Abrahamic religions foretold what would happen there, and the religious freaks in Islam, Israel and America view it that way. Yes, Israel kept provoking. But so did radical Islam. President Biden should have told Israel it was on its own after he saw Israel’s response to the October 7 attack. He’s very close to starting World War III over that.

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May 3·edited May 3

And Israel will be no more.

The ending will go peacefully.

Israel will emigrate to Birobidizan, and China and Russia will keep them under spervision.

Therre is NO RELIGION behind the Red Sea Pedestrians. This is fanaticism WITHOUT religion... the dogma fits the whatever fits at that time.

Identical in projection, as the U$A "Rules Based Order" is also projected.

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Dream on, if iisrael feels sufficiently threatened, it will use its nuclear weapons, which nobody in many online forums on this topic I have been has mentioned- Israel’s nukes. If you think I’m joking, you need to spend a whole lot more time in close quarters with people who are convinced they are God’s chosen people.

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This may be quaint but we need good old fashioned “Teach Ins”. It's exceptionally bad optics for cops to bust up a teach in. I think.

Forget about indoctrinations, people have their own discernment, teach the tricks of infiltration, hijacking, and the subversion of organic movements.

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Apr 28Liked by Moneycircus

How long before the U$A has another "Kent State debacle"?

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29Liked by Moneycircus

Broader appeal. If they ditch the personal attacks, an Anti War only message would accomplish much more.

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Stick around. You might learn something.

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Apr 29Liked by Moneycircus

Interesting analysis, thank you.

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Apr 30Liked by Moneycircus

It's been really disappointing to see how well all the agitprop messaging surrounding these protesters has turned so many people I know - even many of my supposed "pro-freedom," or "anti-establishment" friends, relatives, and acquaintances - against this movement. It's really propaganda of the most sinister type, as its results in a complete 180 in these individuals' views toward specific issues. They simply switch around the "good guys" and the "bad guys" (based on the ideological orthodoxies they're targeting), ensure there's a media-wide barrage of stories highlighting the most absurd or fringe arguments/positions/personalities involved, in order to give people a firm 'nudge' into their respective silo of choice, and - voila! Now you have "free speech champions" demanding censorship, because - muh AnTi-sEmiTiSm!! Or, suddenly, you get anti-war/anti-establishment individuals demanding the arrest of (actual) peaceful protestors, because - muh iSrAeL!!

Don't be fooled, people. We can't afford people being lured in by the siren song of Empire.

Stick. To. Your. Principles.

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Well said.

And the lesson going forward is that we should judge all self-expression, opinion, protest through the lens of the "approved view" and condemn any that does not conform.

Which effectivly negates protest.

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Excellent article!

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