At age 70 and not so very nimble at all, i.e. physically locked-down by time's inevitable infirmities, my coping skills have been put to their most severe test yet. Having to live in this imposed duality requires a solid mental nimbleness if facing the truths one can uncover / discover through such intellectual discipline as yours, Dr Desmets, and others in a pantheon of my own discernment as deserving.

I do my best to pass knowledge on to the unknowing and wavering fence-sitters; this is a most challenging time for awakening especially the ignorant (vs the stupid,) but most of all for the cognitively dissonant who will not allow the truth in while attempting to protect their illusions under such a variegated and incessant assault. And much of that/these assault(s) are exquisitely subliminal at that.

So glad there are such frontier outposts as Moneycircus in a world now seemingly irrevocably and so thoroughly internally infused and as well surrounded by external 'badlands.'

As George Carlin so presciently stated almost two decades ago now in "The Big Club"---"They got you by the BALLS!" Kee-rist! If he could only see us now. Rather, our situation to confront. He'd long since given his opinion of us as a species. "You don't have freedom, you have OWNERS!"

Which leaves me today only confounded by the 'who,' which of the many repressive institutions asserting their will upon the unaware has actual primacy, or is all of this Western sabre-rattling just another distraction toward fulfilling the overall takedown of civil societies everywhere that yet believe they exist within a framework of 'freedom?' The NATO-Anglo-American establishment still seems to be governed more by testosterone mixed with prednisone, willing to play their public hand in an irrational brinksmanship that only grows more dangerous with each iteration. With the actual physical world at stake along with thousands of years of civilisation, what kind of sense does this make compared to WEF-SARS-Cov-2 planned-for outcome?

One more thing to keep me awake at night...

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Matthias Desmet is a rare phenomenon -- one to be emulated. We should not enshrine him but emulate -- I think his skill is to take something we know and put it into words.

We know there are hidden psychological traits, hypnosis, what looks like frickin' madness but it takes a Matthias to state it.

One great desertion has been that of psychs.. most psychologists have sold out: look at the power of one who has not!

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I wish you strength. One way we are discovering is to reconnect with nature: absorbing her sun, breathing her air, walking her ways.

The revelation for me is how evil the "powers" are. They have persuaded us against everything that Mother Earth gives us for free.

Resist, defy, embrace.

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Interesting you should mention Graham Hancock. He was another vilified figure, depicted as a crank. I used to go along with that. But Event Covid has decisively shown up the true model for media-sanctioned rationality i.e. the one who

• never questions the news,

• automatically steers clear of anything labelled “conspiracy theory”,

• automatically gravitates towards anything labelled “The Science”,

• only has to be told the source of a news or opinion item to instantly “know” whether trust it,

• has no concept whatsoever of propaganda or indeed anything at all unless it’s a concept hammered in by the media,

• invariably lets the designated “right people” think for him,

• is constantly influenced by what others think of him,

• and who has no critical faculty whatsoever.

If that’s a rational person, then I’ll take the likes of Hancock any day.

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On that dark and loaded quote which begins with ,“[o]nce we can access people’s thoughts and access people’s emotion," my first question is HOW will they access people's thoughts and emotions? Are these experiments contained and conducted by willing participants having informed consent, like in that movie "Brainstorm"? Or...I don't know...through some kind of trojan horse?

And what are those "created space"? Smart cities?

Smart cities where people will express (act out) "divergent thoughts"?

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I just now finished watching the lecture by Graham Hancock - I'd not seen anything by him until your post. It's very close to a subject which has fascinated me since the early 90s when, due to a research assignment in an astronomy class where we were given a list of topics from which to choose, I, being a new, Christian, chose the one on the origins of life. Dumbed-down, bored and a lazy product of the American educational system, I had no inkling of the debate between intelligent design, Darwinian evolution or that there was such a field as "Creation Science"! My research yielded world-altering views: "The Genesis Record" by Henry Morris, Michael Denton's "Evolution: A Theory in Crisis", Philip Johnson's "Darwin on Trial", and a serendipitous radio interview I just happened to hear while driving of scientist Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith. Over the years, others have been added: Walt Brown's "In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood" is a remarkable study. Obviously, many degrees separate my worldview from Mr. Hancock's. There is something a bit unsettling, albeit fascinating, with his message. It reminded me of another video I watched last year (sorry, I don't recall who it was) which was also on ancient civilizations and the marvelous astronomically-exact structures which remain for archeologists to study. That one was more specific in its New Age message, specifically pointing to a return of the gods (aliens?) who warned us before of catastrophes due to climate change; pretty much in-line with that of the globalists.

Event Covid has been a wake-up call for me, spiritually speaking. Though I formally walked away from institutional religion about five years ago (that was a whole other painful wake-up call), I am still a believer in Jesus Christ. I have no doubt whatsoever that we are caught in an ancient and heated, spiritual and information war.

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