It's All Over Bar The Tyranny
Musk-worship, space dust and innovative dead ends: society goes Pfiz
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Jan 1, 2022
Midnight in the quarantine camps: people walk onto their decks, carrying white objects aloft. A vague reflex wafts the Styrofoam lunch boxes and paper plates, recalling, in memory muscle, the banging of pots when it was obligatory to demonstrate support for... the Comirnaty. Now segregated and silenced, they move like spirits whose hands signal protection to the whole.
On this New Year's dawn we search a blank-faced populace trained to congregate by order; soon to disperse and isolate.
Did premiers and presidents, in their fortress revels, pose — maskless and barking — for photographic vignettes to be leaked later, reminding us who’s boss? Did the military barracks echo with a knees up and the crack of boots on paviours, and did police writhe in twisted anticipation in their dens?
There were, and will be, fireworks. The episodes of Build Back Better: The Great Reset were storyboarded decades ago and filmed with optional scenes and alternate endings, closely-guarded and locked safe.
New Year’s Redistribution
On the televidenie, the favourite actor Mr Musk is goofing around in a Mars buggy: the poster child and leading star who represents all things bright and technical. He is the future as conjoured in the public mind. [1]
After he sold his shares for $10 billion it was revealed his name and character were licensed from the company, and that he was in fact its creation.
To the public he always had been the projection of their own imagined future. His role: to serve as the people's emotional investment in The Great Reset. At the beginning to embody the promise of the future present; finally to compensate for disappointment, future postponed, when it dawned that they really would own nothing — but at least Elon would be out there building underground space rockets on his private island.
For a while the people still believed they would have electric, self-driving cars, buy 3D-printed knick-knacks made on Mars, while they took holidays in Space. This vision could never be too improbable because it filled the people’s imagination as they sought reassurance in this brave new world — projecting their desires upon their favourite spaceman. If they never got the flying cars promised by Sci-Fi at least Elon had sent one into Space.
He was conceived for this role by none other than former Nazi and rocket engineer Wernher von Braun, in whose 1952 book Das Marsprojekt the leader of a 70-person colony on Mars is titled, Elon.
In connected reality, Elon is the grandson of Joshua Haldeman, a founder of Technocracy Incorporated, a pseudo-scientific 1930s movement promoting social credit and cybernetics.
In our movie Elon is the good and wise king, pitted against a cast of tough women warriors. Though he never meets them face to face, he is the beneficent one, the sage, the hope of peace and humankind. From the opposite side, the people are pursued and brutalized by The Avengers: Jacinda, Ursula, Kerry, Gladys, Annastacia, the soon-to-be British Boudicea, Liz, and the matriarchal Angela.
The hopes and fears of all the years could not be met in Musk. There was always need for compulsion. Beyond the brutal psychopathy of Nineteen Eighty-Four, or the loving slaves of Brave New World, people must be micromanaged more invasively than any creature, precisely through the illusion of choice.
Everything you do is within your command. Inputs and choices are immediate but the consequences are both short term and long. This distance between decision and outcome is the leash. Any bad personal choice can pull the chain tighter, restricting short-term options but putting larger objectives permanently out of reach.
Cherished dreams being thus unattainable, the corporations had an answer: virtual reality. As for religion they had prepared the de-simulation of the world or of the mind. The capacity for metaphysical thought was diminished by the progressive, physical castration of the brain and its partial replacement with bio-electronic stimulus.
Both have their role: carrot and stick, pull and push, good cop-bad cop as has been the rule since the start of the Covid pandemic. Just see the wording of the “fear document,” the advice given to the UK government to increase the “perceived level of personal threat… among those who are complacent.” Britain sold its MINDSPACE behavioural psychology around the world. [2]
Technological oblivion
Why the need for an imaginary future, parallel to the real one? The reason is that we are not “all in this together.” We are not marching in Comirnaty to a future technological paradise of plenty. What is really happening is the opposite.
We are being led by Judas goats into a technological oblivion. There is no liberating innovation. For the first time in history there is no great technology on the horizon to vault us into the next industrial revolution.
The real story is The Investors know this, and are trying to sink their wealth into what were traditionally considered dead assets like land and property, with some extractive rights for minerals.
The propaganda from the media tells us uniformly the opposite, that everything is poised for supernova. Remember: when the media speaks with one voice, it lies.
Evidence: Nikolai Kondratiev taught us that we advance in cycles. The next must always be on the horizon. But it's complex. Agriculture drove cities, without which industrialization would have been impossible. The great advance that lifted billions out of poverty was water power > heating water > steam engines > combustion engines > turbines > nuclear. At which point humanity went mad because power was supplying too much plenty.
The investors got obscenely rich and fell into the age-old demigod syndrome; the people got fat and lazy; innovation stopped (partly because the rich nailed everything down with patents: a form of feudal rent seeking). And so with no new technology on the horizon, society creates a phantasma of science: pscience, pfiz, pfizer.
Pfreezing society
The wealthiest financiers are pfocused on trying to save their status, advantage and wealth by, ironically, investing not in technology but raw materials: energy, minerals, land and seed — the least technical, the most basic stuff of life.
The media disguises this dichotomy and continues to laud the billionaires’ technological foresight. This is because the billionaires are, with each passing year, the media’s only financial support.
Securing advantage by enforcing monopoly rights to basic resources like land, seed and water is feudalism. The slavery-based order is not a social construct but an economic consequence.
The rich are engaged in an act of desperation. This is a fundamentally wealth-destructive act, socially paralysing and ultimately anti-human.
Are they demonic, Satanic or simply suicidal because they have failed to anticipate the consequence of their own predatory capitalism? Increasingly people recognize that pollution is the pressing problem created by big business, not unmeasurable “climate change”.
The Great Reset is anti-innovation. It proposes to lower people’s horizons to ground level, to scythe the tall poppies and, by some accounts, even to cull the population — when the need for the inventive power of the people has never been greater.
The plutocrats imagine that they have secured some assurance of dominance: whether it be alchemy, a perpetual motion machine or the secret of eternal life. It is as if they have absorbed the myths of Stalin’s industrialisation, the Third Reich’s 12-year revival or China’s miracle, all of which really were the injection of the latest technology by globalist corporate industrialists and bankers — stagnation relieved by imports of technology and punitive or slave labour.
The difference with one world government is there will be no alternative economic system or competitive technological power to bail out the lagards. Filling humans with graphene so they can power modern hamster wheels and create Bitcoin is not progress nor a solution to inventive atrophy.
We no longer live in an age where a Robert Louis Stevenson can raise humanity to the next industrial level. We live, as Silicon Valley types sloganeer, in an iterative age where thousands of scribblers take us one step backwards, one step and a shuffle sideways through beta products and cancelled launches.
Artificial intelligence and the promises of Sci-Fi are paper profits which, we should remember, grew in value because of quantitative easing and central bank money printing not organic growth, productivity or worth.
Is it a surprise that these plutocrats who seem to be ignorant of history and economics, also finance the communitarian movements, Common Purpose, Common Core, critical theory, CommonPass social credit, even the CPC — all serving to limit intellect, kick out the competent and install their loyal apparatchiks and komissars?
Do they really imagine they’ll prosper from a purge? No. This is the an act of desperation by a wealthy strata that has lost its nerve. That seeks to cement its status in Orwell’s oligarchical collectivism.
It is no surprise that Rockefeller, Rothschild and Regina (representing the wealthiest families and royals) are The Investors at the heart of this scheme and that Prince Charles launched The Great Reset in Jun 2020. They are the oldest wealth with the most to lose.
Eugenics is their obsession — not just the belief in superior provenance, but the fear that interbreeding may drive them mad. They intermarry to perpetuate their wealth, and thus pervert natural genetics — while hoping that new artificial tweaks may refresh the integrity of their DNA.
The concept of “blue blood” or superior strains is a projection, a desire for release from destiny by those who are forced to marry their first cousins down the centuries.
This may lead them to suppress “lesser” breeds on whom they project their own flawed genes — as it drives them to finance experimental research upon the living in the hope they’ll find a cure for their own genetic ills.
Year ahead
They will enact as much of the new world order as they can, partly to save face, partly because they are out of ideas.
It won't work. Central planning never has. Eventually we'll be left with many incomplete agendas, lots of sick people, a partial health and benefits system/universal basic income that goes mainly to state employees, and results in discontented masses and periodic riots and rebellion. Think the last days of the Soviet Union.
Families will have been broken, friendships too but new social structures will form, new alliances, cells, guerilla, pop-up ways of living. From this will come a new society. Think Europe after WW2.
The Build Back Better government will be top heavy and that will be its downfall. The Great Reset only works if you strip away government so that it weighs lightly on the economy. It will no longer be financed by consumer mass production and thus mass taxation, which is supposed to end.
Yet bureaucrats never tolerate obsolescence. They will quadruplicate into multiple layers of government: the UN, the stakeholders, the residual national-military structure and then a new level of regional government. All with a shrunken tax base!
The biggest problem will be the "Green" or socialized economy based on energy units. This can already be seen: a mismatch between subsidy and energy output. To make it work, companies face rules and regulations that the small cannot afford.
Renewable energy is the most dangerous part of the project for it is the ideological component. In the past collectivization in the USSR, the fascist business model (represented today by the World Economic Forum) and China's cultural revolution were grand architectures pursued by ideologues who were blind to the human cost. All used slave labour — the Nazis had 14 million at the peak; the Soviets and Chinese communists at least three or four times that (over a longer period). But that's only the supply side of the equation.
The failure of central planning created a necessary reduction in demand: tens of millions died in planned famines in the USSR and China. The Nazis had no consumer sector: all went into the military regime.
End game
The Rothschild family are great growers of wine. They know better than most the unidentifiables, immeasurables and vicissitudes in producing vintages — it is the melding of art, science and nature in degrees that vary with terroir, aspect, climate, season.
Why mention billionaires or families? The wealthiest families are understood to control the biggest asset managers: BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity. They would hardly tolerate the destruction of the global economy if they were not complicit.
If anyone influences the cohort of billionaires it is they: the closest to a mindset or guiding spirit in the appreciation and preservation of wealth.
So “two years to flatten the curve”? That is pedestrian logic lacking some brilliant Rothschild space dust. To proposition the public with a scenario so proposterous is demeaning. It can only be, as many quip, an IQ test.
Some canard is in play, some graphic cartoon; a Max Headroom concept is propositioned and touted, fried and carbonized, a cured carbonado: a graphene-silicon, neuro-implanted brainiac, ready for animation. That is part one.
Part two is slavery, said to have been abandoned as a business proposition because of runaways: because the primitive branding could be removed and, with it, the collateral lost. Overseas financiers could no longer balance the advantage of slave labour against the undoubtedly profitable product.
Yet as we read, slave labour was revived as the engine of industrialization in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and Communist China. Was slavery economically obsolete or simply in need of an update?
A bio-digital identity would be the biggest refresh to slavery in 3,500 years, since Moses negotiated the Israelites’ Exodus from Egypt “not too far away”.
Last card
This grand experiment, playing God with men’s minds, wedding women to the state, breeding children to the machine, is nothing new.
We have never before seen such a coordinated push, however, from all corners of the globe and that should alert us: perhaps the ownership of assets and corporations is global and we are dealing with a universal force. What else explains the prevalence of Amazon and its kind?
When will The Investors play their trump card? Their game, not ours, is gematria. See former International Monetary Fund DG, Christine Lagarde, now president of the European Central Bank. [3]
The World Health Organization declared the Covid pandemic on Mar 11, 2020. Measured to the last day of Catholic Christmas, Jan 6 2022 and the first day of Orthodox Christmas, Jan 7, that is 666 days. Check the gematria of Covid-19. Now look up carbon and graphene. Their game, not ours. Do not be surprised at acts of desperation as someone fits the weft and warp to the frame.
We are looking at a "winter of death" said Joe Biden, giving his own personal forecast of how Omicron would spread. Shall we wait to find out or take the fight to them?
[1] IMDB — Elon Musk acting roles
[2] SAGE, Mar 2020 — Evaluation of options for increasing social distancing
[3] Christine Lagarde, IMF, 2014 — Gematria Lesson
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Great writing. I appreciate it much. Apologies for not subscribing as a paid member, but these days of the plague, I cannot afford... anything, really.
As for the "written [as] the only way that a soul can lay out experienced truth and be judged honest"--aye, I know what you mean. That makes two of us. I'm sending you warmest greetings from Ibiza.