This is an important piece. I am not sure Israel will get a fair hearing. Why do you not consider Israelis to be indigenous? Read the Bible. They were in Jerusalem 3,000 to 2,000 years ago. Most all the Christians and Jews have been driven out of Arab countries, out of Egypt, and out of the Middle East.

As a small point, you say: "The Western public knows little or nothing of those genocides — of Rwanda, Darfur, Cambodia, the Chinese famine after the Great Leap Forward, or the Cultural Revolution." This is probably true of Darfur, in Sudan. However, there is some familiarity with Hutus and Tutsis through the film Hotel Rwanda (2004 with Don Cheadle), and with Pol Pot murderous dictator of Cambodia through the film Killing Fields (1984 with rows of skulls). Western people are familiar also with Tiananman Square (1989) in Beijing China and earlier, with failed five-year plans like Mao Tse Tung's Great Leap forward and the Cultural Revolution, where youth sought to remove the four Olds and professors were sent to the fields to dig and plant.

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Is there really any authentic connection between the 'Jews' of the Bible; and the 'Jews' of modern-day Israel?!? - and, if so, how does that connection relate to the political; the religious; and the ethnic of said group?!? - and, oh yah, how do the following organizations and subsects of society figure into the equation: Sabbatean-Frankists?!? - Chabad Lubavitches?!? - the Zionists?!? - Mossad?!? - Khazars?!? Babylonian Talmudists?!? - etc., etc.. That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!!

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See https://theconversation.com/erasing-history-why-islamic-state-is-blowing-up-ancient-artefacts-78667 . Read the article about Islamists destroying artifacts in modern-day Irag. They operate for reasons that are theological, historical, and political. "Some of the infidel organisations say the destruction of these alleged artefacts is a war crime. We will destroy your artefacts and idols anywhere and Islamic State will rule your lands."

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Ignoring the World Court - but just for discussion of pros and cons of funding Israel and Israel's wars, the need for Israel to fight for its survival, plus the issue of free speech by American citizens to carry on this broad discussion --- see Glenn Greenwald. On Jan 09, he voiced criticism for certain Republican and the Biden administration's unflinching support for Israel.

Glenn Greenwald is now on locals.com or similar - I do not understand it fully. I get a written summary, one day late.

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i hate to break it to you, but GG is definitely, at best, an opportunist; and, at worst, a part of the kakistocracy: he and his mate (Miranda; from Brazil; who, unfortunately passed away recently) are deeply embedded (pardon the pun) in the buildup of countries s/a Brazil in all of the technology (i.e., SIB; HIB; digital ID; cradle-to-grave learning; etc.; etc.) correlated with the agendas of the day (BBB; TGR; Agenda 2030/SDG's; DEI; etc.; etc.). [see McDowell's work at, 'wrenchinthegears.com'] That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!

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So-called lefty policies with Glenn Greenwald (and David Miranda) seem to relate to Brazil, per your reference. I am not sure how politics shake out in Brazil. Certainly there are lefty communists (Lula), but there is no big middle class. The right is sometimes wealthy families (e.g., sugar cane plantations and orange juice manufacturers) or international companies from Europe or US and Canada (oil drillers and refiners). Unclear if Bolsonaro is right-leaning. Bolsonaro has support with people in the street, some of whom think recent Brazilian elections were crooked. Bolsonaro was arrested, there were riots, some people were arrested. Some people now have been released - I do not follow it closely. The political positions anybody takes in Brazil do not overlie with positions in the USA (or West).

In the USA, Glenn Greenwald helped Edward Snowden release NSA documents to show American public we were spied upon by US government and helped him escape to Russia. Greenwald warns against government surveillance state. See Sept 2021 substack where Greenwald is against Covid vax mandates at https://greenwald.substack.com/p/the-aclu-prior-to-covid-denounced . See Jan 2022 Twitter comment that Exec branch lacks authority to impose vaccine mandate (Congress needs to act) at https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1481719473715523589 .

For general overview, see Oct 2022 Reason magazine article at https://reason.com/2022/09/04/glenn-greenwald-on-corporate-media-and-identity-politics/ . "The thing that makes no sense is that anybody would twice vote for Obama and then vote for Trump. How do you make sense of that if you see the world through conservatism versus liberalism? It makes perfect sense, though, if your driving ideology is not conservatism or liberalism, but contempt for the status quo and the ruling elites that safeguard it."

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Democracies were berthed by kak to proffer the masses the illusion of freedom and rights; that is, until it was deemed to be counterproductive {viz. Sir Hitler wasn't too off the mark in analysis of said phenomenon back in the day: 'it's all bread-and-circuses' lol; moreover, see Frank Zappa's infamous quote about said form of gov't, namely, democracy: '“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain (see today lol), they will just take down the scenery (i.e., BBB; TGR; fires in Lahaina; Kelowna; California; etc.; and wars in Ukraine; Gaza; etc.), they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” }; so, in r/g's to today's political flavors of the day, i couldn't care less; as behind said smoke screens/scenes of democracies/dictatorships/socialism/etc. have been countless test-beds/beta-tests {i.e., in past: chemical/biological/nuclear warfare; psychological operations; propaganda; social engineering; false flags; etc.. today: see below} for the agendas of the day (BBB; TGR; Agenda 2030/SDG's; DEI; etc.); that have been invoked and embedded in dozens upon dozens of countries - including Brazil (see digital currency, DREZ; digital ID programme; smart cities; etc.; etc.).

vis-a-vis Snowden (intell agent for BAH; with eponymous hit Hollywood movie lol); Greenwald {and, logically, by extension: Webb; AJ; DI; RFK Jr.; Mike Adams; Stewart Peters; J Corbett; Ryan Christian (love that surname: so-made-up); etc.; etc.}: all-and-one, just example after example of people willingly and wittingly propagating a system - via agendas and ideas of dis/mis-info; misdirection; limited hangout; bread crumbs; profiteering; opportunists; useful idiots; etc. - that is, day-by-day, placing us all in an open-air, digital, panoptic prison (or, to use Edwin Black's phrase, 'algorithm gulag'), viz, GG et al. are deeply invested and immersed in systems of power and control; the likes of which have never, ever been seen heretofore [i.e., HIB; SIB; pay-for-success contracts; CBDC; digital ID's/wallets; smart cities/homes/gadgets; Internet-of-Everything/Internet-of-Bio-Nano-Things; biometric systems; mRNA gene therapies/viral vectors; precision medicine; e-health/education/gov't; CCTV's; sensors; neuro-link/lace; V2K; etc.; etc.; etc..]! That is all!! RGB-Y3 out!!!

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