superb piece of writing MC; thx for your insights and energy in bringing light to a dark place of subsistence we otherwise call, 'modern-day living.' And it appears that 2025 has been brought in with a bang (pardon the pun) as it's been reported that an act of terrorism has been perpetrated in New Orleans on New Year's Eve (U2 or Cranberries anyone); with the usual suspects identified as the culprits (i.e., Islam). As the adage goes, the more things change the more they remain the same! That is all!! RGB-Y4 out!!!!

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Thanks again for your endeavor of bring no less than light in the darkness of lies.

Meanwhile, in Little Mayotte. Most people still don't have a proper access to water and electricity. Food is scarce for large segment of the population. Relief comes now under the form of bottles of water, canned food, brought by at least one military and one private helicopter under requisition. Hospital capacity must be around 100 beds but the main hospital (not the 3500m2 tent one) still doesn't have a... refrigerator.

Some people complain that shipments of food are brought to shops before people. Without proper water access and food scarcity, biological survival is at stake and the situation takes a enormous toll on a lot of people (even if some make it light in funny videos.

On the propaganda front, Mayotte is no more on the forefront of the "news" cycle and so the fatalities toll remains 39 dead and 4000 injured, even if all local testimony attest that nobody still has come in the slums and I heard credible report of common graves with 300 corpses.

How about the lunatics in charge of this disaster? From local testimony, I learned that micron didn't come to Mayotte because the Cyclone, but because he was to come to Island Réunion for a local cultural festival, then head to Djibouty and Ethiopia.

Like already explained, his behavior has been a terrible PR exhibition, since he only displayed his narcisistic nature for all to see. He should have go back to the Réunion Island but his staff advise him against partying in St denis and thus he stayed for the night. The next day, he climbed aboard a mush needed helicopter to visit a still isolated village. No food nor water for days...

When the locals saw the helicopter, they thought it was relief... micron didn't even provided a bottle of water, only his mad 'presiking' presence. The people didn't like it, to say the least.

Then came the new sickening prime minister, the minister of educationand the vilest of the vilest minister of the ultramarine territories, the infamous Valls (it's such a sad show).

Élisabeth Borne (née Bornstein) displayed a rarely seen disdain to the people and the situation, especially while talking to two teachers who were telling her the suffering of the population (they feed some of the students on their own salaries) and the fact that no help had reach the local slums. To that she started telling that THE REALITY was that there were relief coming. they did not accept her bull... and explained that the fact on the ground was that the people were supposed to walk ten kilometers under the heat of the season to get one bottle of water!

She then just turned her back without further words to her interlocutors:


Later on that day, she had been recorded and broadcast while laughing during the time, the clown acting as prime minister was talking about the death toll...

The many bottles of water one can see while the woman is designating them are bottles the uses to collect rainwater to have enough to drink, as for the rest:


The sun has been pretty active these last days and the earth system is being impacted by very powerful energy input...

Let there be light, joy, beauty! One Love

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Because the space weather has been mentioned in my last comment, it is necessary to give at least one link. I appreciate that Stefan burns even if I use other 'experts' to analyze the raw data which I am absolutely unable to make sense of. Burns mixing hard science with astrology and 'simple' inner work, thus being right on track with traditional approach of celestial phenomenon:


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