IF FTX has government tentacles, it might be as a honey-pot operation. All BTC and crypto are by design closed-loop systems, since they require ponzi-like deposits or fraud to remove funds from the system. Any funds (and, with FTX it likely amounted to $billions) removed can be washed and most people forget that the origin of the system was on the dark web for the very reason that most (all) transactions were for nefarious means.

IF our government functioned properly, it would accept a primary role as referee of the financial system and regulate all non-ethical behavior resulting in a more stable currency and less need for alternative fiat. I would argue that the devaluation we've all experienced in USD has more to do with rewarding bad behavior (unethical bankers, money-printing FED, crony-capitalist politicians) than anything else.

BTC and crypto aren't an alternative to USD fiat and will do more harm than good, moving to a fiat that has no borders only accelerates the adoption of all things WEF...

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Seeing how regulation works, I think we need to strengthen ethics: the only power is to buttress the morality with which we treat one another. Big papa government is always going to side with the crooks.

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"...I think we need to strengthen ethics...

Easier said than done. Some act alone but most follow leaders and, few leaders act altruistically. The elevated electronic virtue-signalers desire control over ethical behavior and the attendance of religious pursuits is declining, the strengthening of ethics would be a good start but from what repository?

I'm not fatalistic but a realist, perhaps a leader we don't see will appear and those that have begun to predict the end times being near are right, salvation for the faithful?

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I became so tired with the "Financial Industry" and its transparent, overt criminality that I have eliminated all my assets to that of just my house. I refuse to re-enter the "financial industry" and make money on the backs of and to the detriment of those societies that never really wanted to play with Global Finance. I have told "friends" that took my resolve personally and, along with my zero-tolerance for the Coronaprank, have made me less socially "heavy"; enjoying a lower social cholesterol experience.

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Outstandingly rich content, which much food for thought. Thank you.

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Thank you kindly. It took me the best part of a day to write, so it's sweat not brilliance.

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It’s both.

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