Aug 28, 2023Liked by Moneycircus

The monetary crisis very much seems engineered and BRICS have been consolidating/accelerating with no apparent game plan from the West other than to double/triple down on identity politics while defunding/destroying infrastructure.

Leads me to believe this is the 'desired' outcome, which raises the obvious question: "Why"? Personal opinion: once the pain is bad enough, the flood gates will open leading to CBDCs being deemed 'necessary' to 'save' people who will be in financial ruin. Perhaps unsurprisingly, CBDCs are part of the BRICS push as well so neither the West nor BRICS will see a reprieve.

The sequencing of events would be conjecture but the trajectory is like gravity, we can feel the pull even if we haven't the words to articulate it.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Moneycircus

no offense; but to anyone who has been exposed to the works of Alison McDowell ('wrenchinthegears.com'/YT) and/or Leo Saraceno/Raul Diego ('siliconicarus.org') this is just a natural corollary from all that has been transpiring for some time now (i.e., centuries); and, moreover, is leading us all into the 'hive mind consciousness' Mrs. McDowell so insightfully and articulately details in her works. That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!

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No offense taken, haven't heard of them but will check them out. Thank you.

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cool; sorry for what could easily be perceived as an impudent comment(s); but my annoyance and impatience with so many folks in the 'truther' movement is due to the fact that whilst they're immersed and ensconced in the Matrix 2 (i.e., alt news sites s/a 'corbettreport.com'; 'infowars.com'; 'thelastamericanvagabond.com'; 'jaydyersanalysis.com'; 'unlimitedhangout.com'; 'naturalnews.com'; 'theconsciousresistance.com'; etc.; etc.) they are simultaneously oblivious to one of the authentic 'truthers' in our midst; who has identified and detailed the higher agendas taking place behind the screen (i.e., 'Plato's screen/screed') said pundits have erected via their works. That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!!

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The monetary crisis is engineered and, at this point, unavoidable. But, yes, it is contrived like the Great Crash, the Great Depression and the Dustbowl were a monetary event.

Dr Dave Janda points out that the Dustbowl was caused by a twofer of the government promoting homesteading, attracting inexperienced farmers and the central bankers pulling the plug on the regional banks, who were the lenders to the farms, leading family farms to go bankrupt, be abandoned, and result: Dustbowl. Drought played a role, as did the overplanting of hybrid/modified corn of identical varieties.

The central bankers wanted the land for industrial farms.

Strangely parallel to today: farms set up for failure; family farmers pushed out of business; regional banks squeezed in a pump and (soon) dump of Treasury bonds. Throw in GMOs, restrictions on heirloom seeds and water availability, and you have a replay.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Moneycircus

It is so interesting to read about the present changes in the balance of power, especially with Moneycircus's insights. The outcomes are unpredictable at present but I sense that just about everyone will be affected. Will the 'new world order' proceed as planned by the cabal, will BRICS continue along this path, or will new directions/alliances emerge? Can hardly wait for the next episode!

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Everyone will be affected. The weather modification/warfare was tested in the Vietnam War and so much else from that unnecessary, orchestrated conflict (just like Ukraine) was eventually brought home to the United States.

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Moneycircus

I’d be interested to know what people are doing to try and prepare / Stil live a good life with this in the background. I’m in the U.K. which is going to be ground zero for globalist overeach and have a regular job. Looking at 2nd incomes etc and listen to many good podcasts on the economy and what may happen in a reset. I can’t really influence big picture stuff but wonder how others see things in their lives.

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Persistence and non-compliance, which are my words for survival and prepping, is very important. Perhaps we can discuss it through the Notes feature.

Mike Adams of Health Ranger Report has a series called something like Decentralise, which you can find at a dedicated site, https://decentralize.tv/home/

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Moneycircus

great article per usual; however, i really have to take issue with your ambivalence concerning the nwo, i.e., no matter how one slices and dices it it is abundantly clear to me that the majority of major players of our interconnected systems of control in the West - and elsewhere * - are totally onboard with the agendas of said nwo (i.e., CBDC's; digital ID; cashless societies; UBI; smart cities; etc.). Moreover, in lieu of revert to alt news' 'gurus' s/a Corbett; AJ; Dyer; Christian; Adams; Ludkowski; Bermas; etc. for insights of said phenomenon, i would exhort all and one to peruse 1 Alison McDowell and her site/works ('wrenchinthegears.com/YT); as she's done yeowoman's work in outlining and detailing the nexus of control and power that's be cast over our heads via said purveyors of power and control **. That is all! RGB-Y3 out!!

* Countries s/a Russia; China; Brazil; etc. are all - wittingly or not -running parallel agendas of the nwo, i.e., CBDC's; blockchain; digital ID; biometric surveillance systems; social credit systems; etc..

** I have always just perceived the current monetary system as an extension of the previous systems of power and control; and a precursor to the next one, i.e., CBDC's; digital ID's/wallets; etc.; and nothing more!

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Author

McDowell is a trailblazer, like the late Rosa Koire, of Behind The Green Mask.

I agree that the principal policies - CBDC, digital ID, scanning your way into buildings, and eventually chipping the population like pets - are pursued by all governments that can afford the technology.

I do, however, think there are residual value systems,which we ascribed to the Left/Liberals, that have been subverted by corporations and their philanthropic fronts, through their hired muscle the intelligence agencies - to the extent that the latter make policy and politicians are placemen.

I don't agree with the Off-Guardian consensus that the nation state and geopolitics are dead. That is not simply playing right into the globalists hands - it is precisely the globalist claim - and for them to hold such a view they have to pretend that globalists don't exist... it's just capitalism's loud fart after eating too much!

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