Jul 20, 2022Liked by Moneycircus

"The asymmetric nature of this propaganda saw the Russians use Event Covid to inflame anti-vaxxers in the West while pushing jabs at home, [Brad Smith, Microsoft] said." Of course ! Those wacky "anti-vaxxxxers" are just a bunch of brainwashed Roosky trolls ! Making up a bunch of crappola about millions of "adverse events", mysterious sudden deaths of otherwise healthy young people, blood clots, neural disorders, heart attacks, strokes, miscarriages, cancer...where DO they get this stuff from ? What, official government databases like VAERS ? Oh no, they too must be penetrated by the Rooskies ! They's evvywhere !


"Influence operations take advantage of the openness of Western societies and the public’s polarization, and also target nonaligned countries." Yes ! It's just crazy conspiracy nuts that say we have state run propaganda ops and psyops, and that the media censor at will any information counter to state approved narratives, that there is cancel culture, state enforced "wokeness" conditioning and compliance, brutal fascist (state+media+corporate daisy chain) clamp downs on legal protest, ever more free speech restrictive laws and...why go on, it's just crazy talk, eh ? YAY open Western societies, rock on dudes, I mean xemselves !


THANK YOU ♥ ♥♥ Microsoft prop-subsidiary Miburo for your tireless, dedicated, altruistic work in detecting and attributing “malign and extremist influence” to “protect democracies and the free information environment” by ensuring the integrity and resilience of the free Internet. Anyone suggesting there's any fascists in Ukraine or NATO surrounding those touchy Rooskies with hostile and active militarized multi-nation forces could possibly have led to a military response - just shut those nutters up ! And, as you say, where would we be without a free Internet !


Clearly Brad has been taking comedian lessons from big 'Z'. He's hilarious, indeed.

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Your work reads akin to watching a slow stylish pen lay cursive ink across a textured paper page by an old seamed hand. I wonder what it is like to speak with such an author. Would the voice match composition in clipped tones voiced with observant eyes? The world must be a wearisome repeat given the insightful commentary where old lessons only inform new methodology. Bertram Gross comes to mind. As does Joost Meerloo. And the more contemporary authors Chris Hedges and Douglas Valentine.; the latter sage-like with a poet's heart beneath leather-thick skin like Orwell. Keep Writing.

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I tell people when they ask why I use Linux Ubuntu and not Microshit:

"I will not feed Bill Gates."

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