Scott Horton's recent book Provoked outlines in detail the disgusting and dishonest ways that USAID has been used all over Eastern Europe in the last 35 years. Every single government has been overturned by the US, some more than once.

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Very excellent. Your work, fed with your archive and decades of experience brings a clear picture of the hell we are suffering under which no AI would never achieve.

News from Mayotte, the French Département and thus EU territory. Most still don't have a proper access to water, food. For them it is just survival. Nobody know how many people have died in the cyclone devastation!! French speaking can listen to that official program (Public Sénat) starting at 32'. Surreal!


For a debate about the actual situation:


Bayrou is a wrecked clown. There is no secret about the fact he got the job because he menaced micron with his small party leaving the coalition behind micron's idiocracy. He is now embroiled in a pedophilia scandal:


Meanwhile in the Egean Sea, there has been more than 10000 earthquakes in ten days and it is still going on. The big scientific question is about the nature of that unprecedented phenomenon in that most dangerous zone of the globe. Is it tectonic? Thus leading potentially to a very large quack or is it magmatic/volcanic thus potentially leading to a regional/worldwide catastrophe. Egypt has officially declared a state of high vigilance against tsunami. It's genocidal neighbor has done the same. Turkiye is of course closely monitoring the situation.


Over energetized by a year of massive solar energy input, which had not been expected in it's strength, the planet is shaking everywhere. Then there are record cold temperature in the US, Japan, China, India, etc...

Fortunately, we have these Korean shamans to enlighten our days :


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Very interesting testimony of a good regular guy, somehow a real philosopher, Turkish, 50 miles away from Santorini.

"Lately, Santorini has been making headlines with constant earthquakes, and where I am—just 40-50 miles away on the Turkish coastline near Samos—we feel every shake. My wife stays up at night, ready to wake the kids if needed. But forget the scientific models, the data, and the expert predictions. The real warning sign? The million-dollar yachts in our harbor just vanished. When the rich set sail before disaster strikes, you have to wonder—what do they know that we don’t?

I’m not exaggerating or fear-mongering. I’ve actually studied earthquakes—I even did a computer simulation on the Nazca Plate subduction zone in Chile back in 1992 as part of my master's work at the University of Colorado. I understand the science. But sometimes, reality gives you a clearer warning than any model ever could."


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For some, albeit slight, light relief, here is footage from the USAID funded Irish DEI Musical:


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