Thank you for writing this resonant piece.

I recommend watching the Reinette Senum's vtwo part video. In the first section she compares her experiences volunteering to help devastated residents and animals in the aftermath of "super storm" Hurricane Katrina with events in Lahaina.

In the second section of the video she shares various video clips posted by people from Lahaina and elsewhere who share salient information regarding "the blaze."

See: https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/lahaina-a-modern-day-pearl-harbor

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Thanks for the "play by play---ploy by ploy' reporting, MC. It helps with the requisite-to-sanity score-keeping for those of us daily staring into the Abyss. Sincere Truth-Quest does that.

The magnitude of this moral morass makes commenting on it a difficult task. So many levels from which to comment upon it there are, but beginning with confronting this evil for what it is remains paramount. So, it seems they're unleashing the next version of the plague just in time for whatever else plans-sakes' continuity; can't have a restive or riled-up citizenry intruding now. Things might get out of hand. They've long since pulled the pin from the hand grenade, and it was tossed into the night.

I'm thinking the odds of citizen action have increased, we shall soon enough see.

Whatever happens, 'I see a bad moon rising,' with confusion from cognitive dissonance finally confronted head-on from where the rubber meets the road. Civil (internecine) conflict stalks us now, the countdown has begun.

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I wholly agree that the risks of an unruly citizenry have increased...

This is the only way I can rationalize such brazen acts as the Maui response, regardless of what was the proximial cause, and the imminent return of the Covid narrative.

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Unfortunately, I think this is just the beginning of the eventual nightmare that is yet to unfold for people. As time plays out and the spin and propaganda no longer suffice to stall for the lack of information, questions going unanswered, total disregard of human life and humanity in general, the people will start to see what is really going on.

I pray that all eyes shall see, and ears will hear the Truth of what has happened, what is happening, and what will likely happen to citizens of our nation and all free people of the world.


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Great report .. and subhead, btw: Act of God or Acts by Those Who Think They are God?

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SAID IT ONCE SAY IT AGAIN, A BRONZE AGE DEATH CULT BURNT SACRIFICE TO MOLOCH AND BA'AL WHOM THE ELITIES SERVE AND WORSHIP. Your government did this on purpose and with lots of moola moola exchange. No sirens sounded? No water provided to fight fires? Simple, there was a government corporate rich person plot to steal that land, the people HAD TO GO. So burn them out/down/kill them while joyously celebrating your death god Moloch. This is spiritual, this is not just physical war. They wanted the land, they killed the people. in the worst way possible. This is war. Is it China doing this? Maybe. More likely its your own home grown 'rich people' who have been 'corrupted' into these acts. Could you live with yourself if you were part of killing thousands this way? What Kind of Person would you be????? The officer who held them in? How much did HE make? They used DEW (we have it oh yes we do, so does China and probably Russia too!) They herded them back to the killing zone, they denied water to fight fires. The officer had 'orders' to keep them penned in. Why? Land grab. That land is soo sooo valuable, if the pesky natives would just go away. And now, these people if they DID survive will never be able to build back because the NEW NEW building codes are wayyyy to expensivso for them to meet. Ha ha screwed ya again says the 'government' run by the rich and shadowy kinds of people.... We the USA have fallen. We are now an official Banana republic no better than the cartel led Mexico....

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Sadly it is so. Either people recognize what is happening, or the revolution will eat its children and burn itself out, however long that takes.

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