Well there goes all that hopium I was breathing in the last few days. Thanks for the sobering update. If we don’t make changes to prevent these restrictions on liberty and human rights from happening again we’re toast. Most people are still focused on the virus and tribal politics while the true enemy is ignored or denied to exist. How can we normalize speaking of this threat when it’s been so successfully hidden in plain view by the rails installed around socially acceptable discourse?

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We cannot fight an enemy we dare not identify! If it is bankers, let it be. They are sheltered enough to withstand our barbs and rich enough to salve their egos.

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I've got a slightly different take for now (yes, infused with Hopium)...

I personally feel they have gone too far, too fast for a lot of normies. Only the most damaged, frightened NPC's are still playing along (esp. in London where I live). The average Joe and Joanne are sick of it all now and just want to be left alone i.e. go back to whatever kind of normal is possible. Two years of lockdowns, fear porn and general screeching, followed by sickening inflation is not a way to keep people motivated to play your game.

Another thing seems to play a role, as can be seen with statistics, the size of the group that isn't double-jabbed and boosted is very big. The ONS and other bodies try to massage this figure lower (by faking the denominator), but it seems to be, realistically, almost half of the eligible population. That's too many people to coerce. Too many people to gaslight into thinking they're alone. And enough people to really screw with the establishment's immediate desires for personal power.

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I have a nightmare that the shedding might be real, and that we don't all need the jab to "catch" it.

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We might get some of the proteins their clot shot is creating by transmission, but our cells aren't manufacturing the poison within us.

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The SPARS scenario mentioned by our host includes an eventual reversal of the narrative, with authority thanking the now-injured injected for their sacrifice. This has bubbled up to the awareness of even the normiest of normie websites, so I suggest you pick up the pace: https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/rya6jf/rug_pull_theory_is_very_likely_from_the_spars/

Regarding tribal politics, I bring to your attention the Amish and other un-assimilated minorities in the West. The most tribalistic have resisted the covid attack the best, while the most neurotic, cringey NPCs are found in the liberal, caucasian and educated.

Don't get me wrong, I do think individual freedom of mind is the path forward for mankind. However, as your consciousness thus expands, you become responsible for the maintenance of the mind "territory" you gained over your subconscious. The automatic, safe setting here is tribal, clannish behaviour, and you now need to choose who you associate with yourself. Some cannot handle the responsility, and e.g. ape saints, proclaiming brotherhood with every man in the world, an unearned perspective. Others just keep the auto setting.

The situation we are in now was prophecised some time ago, and the best foreseen outcome was for a critical mass of those people, who today have gained the ability to choose, to form viable* cultures promoting the straight and narrow path. Others will choose the wide and easy one, but that was bound to happen.

*This part is important. How many of your neighbours, even "awake", you think you could organize with to successfully to secure electricity, food, and security for your weak and young? Could you do it even with the state sending people to subvert your community?

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"authority thanking the now-injured injected for their sacrifice" - that's a true insight and relates to the idea that attacks are not really aimed at the unvashed but to build morale in the vashed, to convince them they've done right.

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Thanks for riveting analysis as always.

Another CRITICAL element that is mostly ignored is this:

Underneath the financial is the real world run on energy. https://energyskeptic.com/2018/david-korowicz-a-study-of-global-system-collapse/

"Korowicz: A study of global system collapse Posted on July 1, 2018 by energyskeptic Preface. I’ve extracted about half of Korowicz’s paper, left out the references, math, charts, and tables, so you might want to read the original document yourself. This is a great explanation – one of the best – of the intertwined spheres of complexity (financial system, supply chains, oil production, electric grid, and so on) and how incredibly fragile this has made civilization, because if one breaks, it crashes the other systems. Then Korowicz describes the feedback loops. For example, if oil prices rise, food prices and the cost of everything else rise since there isn’t anything in society that doesn’t depend on oil, social unrest rises, high oil prices drive businesses bankrupt, the financial system fails, belief in the monetary system and government fails, and so on. Oil prices then drop, exploration and drilling stop and projects are canceled and new ones not started, because the price of oil is so low it’s not economic to do so. When oil shortages begin, the price shoots up, and crashes the financial system again. This is why Gail Tverberg, in her blog ourfiniteworld.com, writes that low oil prices, not may be the sign that peak oil has arrived. Clearly at some point on this ever ratcheting downwards spiral trucks start being unable to pump diesel fuel in some regions or nations, and supply chains start to break. Above all, Korowicz explains why there is likely to be a very fast crash when one of these important hubs fails. Fossil-fueled civilization is not going to fade away over centuries like some of the civilizations ages ago (though it turns out the Mayans, the western Roman empire, and civilization in 1177 B.C., among others, fell rather rapidly, so I don’t know why so many people believe it takes centuries. Perhaps it’s because historians can find events that happen centuries before the collapse helping to trigger it."

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I look at it through Kondratiev. It became clear about 10 or 20 years ago that we do not have the next industrial revolution. We have an extension of data over wires - the telegraph. That's the issue! And why the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a fraud and an sham and heist. If we had new technology we would not need stand-ins and front men like Elon and Zuck.

The problem is we do not have a new industrial revolution and the rich are panicking!

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Exactly. There will be no fourth industrial revolution. “My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I drive a Mercedes, my son drives a Land Rover, his son will drive a Land Rover, but his son will ride a camel.”

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