"It is a fact that the U.S. and Israel have developed electromagnetic weapons for crowd control and disabling people." Chilling stuff. I never thought I would see a US administration bring back torture as an interrogation device. The West lost all its (specious) claims to the high moral ground at that point. But back to the EM weapons: whatever did they use on the Twin Towers to reduce them, literally, to dust?

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Sep 3, 2021Liked by Moneycircus

This has always struck me as a moot point. Surely the "who" and "why" the towers were destroyed and the people sacrificed is of far more relevance than the "how"?

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It is very relevant, as is the people in the planes, as is the people who died in rescue attempts or health problems from dust inhalation, as is the huge amount of collateral loss of life in Afganistan and Iraq as a direct consequence. The 'why' is explained by cui bono, and I don't have to enlarge on that I hope. But the 'how' is very important to figuring out the 'who'. Who pays for these incredible crimes against humanity? And I'm not thinking about random Al Qaeda or Saudi Intelligence guys.

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"Who pays for these incredible crimes against humanity?"

In our courts? No one probably. Maybe some patsy/asset who is of no further use at best.

I seriously don't think you'll find the real criminals being caught by the system they run.

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You know, they got away with it for JFK. For MLK. For RFK. For Malcolm X. There was no 'habeous corpus' for 9/11. None. Not even any black boxes for the planes. Even Bin Laden's body was consigned to a 'sea burial' without due legal process. So, yes, I suppose they will get away, scot free, in this earthly life.

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"...in this earthly life."

Allen Dulles apparently died mad, alone and hated by his family - so maybe their dues will have to be paid here too.

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Whether this cell - our world - will awaken/evolve or die to entropy is of great interest to me. It is rooted in my interest in my own awakening through constant practice.

For me it is both a question for which I do not have an answer, and a prayer.

One thought though: it is said that enlightenment can be achieved through long, conscious efforts or at a moment of extreme trial - the 'thieves on the cross'. Is Event Covid the crucifixion, or is it the NWO to come? For my children I hope it is the former.

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