Brilliant. Now how do we stop it?

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Don't comply -- but that works better if more people come along with us.

Become ungovernable? That has a chance in a big city.

Keep spreading the message and if people won't listen, seek to transmit it to future generations.

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Non compliance is part of my modus vivendi, but I find I'm perplexingly alone amongst my wide social circle in this.

After much reading around the topic, I'm reaching the conclusion that there is a lot of contextual evidence for a group of global sociopathic global predators to emerge, unencumbered by petty national regulations and restrictions, because they laid the groundwork years in advance by financing/corrupting the press and scientific institutions, and yes, governments themselves. This has allowed them to realise all the aims covered in your article, and add to their already unimaginable riches by medicating an entire planet with an experimental treatment. Modellers were bought to produce doom laden epidemic models; scientific and medical institutions were paid off to trash existing treatments; the mainstream press was bought to promote fake excuses for vaccine harms; national medical and drug institutions were already compromised by big business to support Big Pharma; global bodies were influenced to produce specious recommendations. Big Finance and Central Banks are perhaps not so much driving this but opportunistically waiting in the wings for their chance to come.

Anyway, just my 10 cents.

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State economy backed cryptocurrencies in self sufficient US State economies. The first to lead others will follow. C'mon Ron. Who will be first, Florida? Texas?

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Tavistock was another of the Huxley brothers' association too, as I recall. leading to the Wellcome Trust. "All Rhodes Lead to (the Club of) Rome?"

Twitter has been infiltrated by one of the most obscene vultures Wall Street has to proffer. Paul Singer. Jack Dorsey's leaving just might have more to do with Singer's acquiring a significant stock bloc than meets the eye.

I'm up early once again against my wishes for better mental and physical health, 0230 hrs has become a semi-regular delineation point between REM sleep and worried consciousness. So, on goes the late night government radio, CBC, BBC; RN (Australia;) DW (Germany;) all coincidentally and curiously themed on 'conspiracy theory' re: Covid/Vaxxes and 'Russian aggression.' Even a twice-nodded to shout out to 5G as worthy of inclusion, and of course, China. Then some Latvian schmuck bemoaning the noble Ukrainians and how most of the NATO nations are "cowards" for not providing more lethal arms to its Nazis. (May his name be noted by concerned parties, along with that of the pathetic loon Jens Stoltenberg.)

Ah yes, Ewan MacGregor, not to leave out Sidney Gottlieb, the CIA's "Poisoner in Chief."

A longstanding CBC program called 'Ideas' has a readily available archive where one can find many tidbits re: MK-Ultra and such, Dr MacGregor is featured prominently in several episodes.

Curiously, and ongoingly so, the CBC still airs programming that shines a light on much of the era's CIA nefarious activities, from its and the Pentagon's/FBI's outright influence and actual determination of what kind of movies Hollywood made going back to the beginning of the Cold War (1.0,) and of course its ongoing financing and making major military assets available essentially for free. All those cowboy movies and Rock Hudson/Doris Day movies? Go figure. This while European movies were digging much deeper into what constitutes humanity and society. Even as the CIA was undermining any and all notions of actual erstwhile self-determining actual freedom-seeking. The imperial majesty of the USA in its post-WW II incipience, turning the tables of applied colonialism unto Europe and its nations so quite handily; and durably too, manufacturing a 'stuck between a rock and a hard spot' that the USSR became the linchpin thereof.

The tangled web a'weaving, a'weaving, a'weaving away...

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I share your early rising. Only if I am watchful of food and coffee and avoid alcohol do I have a chance of sleeping but then I tend to stay up tll 0100 and sleep, say, 0200 to 0700. Strange times.

I am stil exploring movies and novels of the 1970s... my capacity/desire has slowed during Event Covid -- I think there is simply too much information incoming.

I suspect the media will soon swarm/overwhelm us with swarming enemies. It will be necessary to turn off all wifi and phones... not because they're "beaming rays" but just because we should minimize all EMF.

I hope to escape to a farm or, failing that a monastery in the Caucasus.. if that doesn't work I will head for Siberia. As a half Canadian I would love to see my compatriots take a leaf from the Old Believers of Russia, who survived Stalin. They can teach us. Actually... that'll be an article !

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I had intuited 'something' was coming by virtue of how waves of inevitable history build and eventually break and recede. I had chosen this place among many options in Alaska almost 15 years ago. A small fishing village, no roads in/out, just ferries and an airport which accommodates daily jet service. It is located 12 miles from town so it's quite unobtrusive. I first worked with Old Believers back in 1970 building fishing boats approx 300 miles west of here in Homer, Alaska. Now it's their grandchildren who come here to fish salmon in the summer. They'd come here (Homer/Kenai Peninsula during one of the several heights of the Cold War, got federal help and now have several established villages on the Kenai. Quite a history, aye. From Russia to China to Venezuela and now in Alaska and Oregon mostly---at least in the U.S. My grandmother was born in B.C., her parents from Norway. I've thought frequently enough about both places but at my age and general state of deterioration and considering the contemporary politics of both places, well this will do just fine. I would definitely have checked out Russia as well.

C'est la vie!

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I have many times referred to the example of Russia as an ally who went through what the US is going through today and came out of the other side. Good people are everywhere. The most evil are few. But I cannot avoid alcohol. It is proof that God loves us.

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Just like Sauron, the forces of darkness cannot be overcome with might. An innocent heart stubbornly entrained to goodness and nature can do more harm to the vampires that feed off fear and sow doubt than an army. Guard thine heart. Deny the energetic compulsion to be acculturated.

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