I was just reading this and watching the video when your email for this article came in:


Bill Gates Buys Northern Australian Territory?

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Canada is getting close to Australia in its intentions, but regrettably, NO ONE WILL TALK ABOUT CoVid1984!! The Canadians that have converted to the Branch Covidians (sorry for capitals)

WILL NOT ATTEMPT TO DISCOURSE, especially when they bring up their version of CV events.

I am very certain that many became regrettably obedient and are coping with their tragic mistakes.

I expect Canada's crime footsoldiers are doing likewise in the North, chasing the Indigenous, but here in BC the crime bosses are NOT letting the Delgamuuk SCC decision get in the way of the next wave of oppression. Force the Indigenous to spend money they don't have; meanwhile abuse them until the case gets to court.

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Hmmmmmmm I thought the mess we were in was bad but this looks more like a tornado tore through the middle of a house.

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