Sep 5Liked by Moneycircus

Really enjoy your content and hearing this audio post was great. Will try to subscribe asap.

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Thank you for the kind words and support!

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Sep 5Liked by Moneycircus

"Work from home" is to purpose too. Since when, may i ask , do the bourgeoise aspirational middle class office butt-boys have "power" to dictate terms of where to work from? It is the reverse: the top has decided to see how much of the bourgeoise's "symbolic output" (which is the work output for which they get paid....spreadsheet, charts, code...) can be shifted. Accounting firms in "the city of London" have only NOW decided to demand 3 days of work inside office premises, minimum. THe accounting sector is the majority of jobs in "city of london" in one way or other, ....notorious for squeezing the lifeblood of the bourgeoise in stress and hours worked in return for laughable pay......since WHEN do these same bourgeoise butt-boyz have power to demand "work from home" to the extent it has continued?

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There is a game going on - to dismiss productivity. Or to play productivity vs control, and we know that it is the latter they prefer.

I once had a boss whose task it seemed was to throw us a deception every morning that got half the staff on a merry goose chase before we realised it led nowhere. By which time the boss had left for a long lunch break.

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