I'm not sure if you read these comments Mr. Moneycircus but, incase you do: Thank you.

It is clear from your writing that you are of a similar age to me and have the same, almost obsessional, interest in the truth. Whatever it is and however painful it may be. And for that, your deep and broad knowledge and your extremely practised and clear writing: Thank you.


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Thank you even more for reading, Lance. We are all overwhelmed with content -- more than we have time, or emotional capacity to absorb -- so the fact that you read and care enough to comment means a lot.

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Most impressive, sir. I have shared it to a number of venues via friends who are on Facebook. One who 'runs' with a highly-informed group of people, older like myself, reported 90 'likes' in a 12 hour period. Hopefully it gains you some further subscribers. You do bring a unique voice, highly stylistic, and it makes for good reading. Your level of intellectual engagement, details, and focused message / takeaway always in sight, makes for walking away elevated with all synapses firing. I told my siblings this is must-read stuff. You and Jonathan Cook are filling the hole left by Robert Fisk's departure nicely. Cheers

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P.S. Thanks for the links.

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thank you.

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please keep writing.

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