3 Crises - Untimely Deaths And Baffled Voices
850 people die in one town in two weeks; along with some inconvenient influencers
Censorship and misdirection are coordinated by Forbes’ Bruce Y. Lee
Nonchalant, jocular Mr Lee fails to disclose his connections to Pfizer
Deep state media reveals the attempt to direct thought and fear
Actress Katarina Pavelek ended her life by suicide after booster destroyed health
Bodybuilder Jo Lindner killed by aneurysm after complaining of Covid shots
850 people die in one Mexican town from “heat stroke”
Riots spread across Europe raising questions of coordination
WEF debates need for “carrot and stick”
After Kakhovka dam disaster, Ukraine points to Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant
(2,000 words or about 10 minutes of your company.)
3 Jul, 2023
Fully 850 people died in the city of Monterrey, Mexico, in a fortnight. Trust Bloomberg to finesse the facts.
“High temperatures in Monterrey have exceeded 100F (38C) every day since June 13, with the heat topping out at 109F on June 21....
“The spike in deaths has left funeral homes in the country’s industrial hub overwhelmed. A majority of victims are elderly and officially listed as dying from heart attacks, according to workers at several funeral homes around Monterrey, the state capital.
While the accompanying death certificates often list ‘myocardial infarction’ — a heart attack — as the cause of death, funeral home employees say many of the victims seem to have died from heat stroke or severe dehydration.”
You think Mexicans do not know how to take care of themselves in the heat? That’s a standard midday in a Texas summer.
And they are dying of heart attacks?
I don’t normally waste time on celebrity stories but the treatment of Madonna’s sudden illness is worth studying in the same way as the coverage of the 850 Mexican fatalities.
The official Madonna narrative makes no sense: immune system compromised, got bacterial infection, which caused her to be found unresponsive, after which she was intubated. And after a day on a ventillator she is now back home.
Several people noticed there was something not right with the mainstream narrative, and some inevitably raised the question of Madonna Louise Ciccone’s Covid vaccine status.
Forbes was drafted to put the kibosh on any speculation. I say drafted because the media today speaks with a universal voice and that can only be coordinated from above. Since you cannot give the job of hall monitor to the same outlets without revealing the effort to control, you have to share the task, to maintain the appearance of consensus.
I also say drafted because of who was given the task of writing the Madonna article.
First the contents, because it is not up to Forbes’ usual standards:
“Well, the ‘Died Suddenly’ Twitter account is at it again... ‘Madonna donated $1.1 Million dollars to Covid Vaccine research, and made claims that the vaccine should be ‘mandatory like gun control’ because it ‘saves lives.’”
What on earth could that have to do with her sudden collapse, the article asks. [1]
It was a follow-up article from the same author. Earlier he had written, “The other leading possibility is that Madonna developed sepsis. Sepsis is when you have an infection and your immune system kind of overreacts.” [2]
Who knows? Only Madonna and her doctor.
What is more interesting is that the author of the Forbes article is Bruce Y Lee, a professor at City University of New York.
You would not expect a professor to do the media’s dirty work. The media hires its own hit squad and Fakt Cheka to tell the public what to think, and what and whom to fear — knee cappers and ball busters like Marianna Spring, Brandy Zadrozny and Taylor Lorenz.
Lee is also executive director of the Center for Advanced Technology and Communication in Health (CATCH) “which aims to develop and implement new technologies and approaches to help decision making and communication in health and public health.”
On his website he pitches:
“For over two decades, Bruce and his team have been developing and using AI/ computer methods to better understand the complex systems of health. He and his team have authored over 255 scientific publications and led a multitude of projects funded by a wide variety of sponsors that span across a range of disciplines, including epidemic/pandemic preparedness and response, healthcare operations, infectious disease prevention and control, international development, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), nutrition, and physical activity.”
So Mr Lee is what you would call a digital health insider. He is also the founder and Executive Director of PHICOR and founder and CEO of Symsilico, “which develops and uses computational methods, models, and tools to help decision-making.”
He is connected to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization and MIT — the hub of the biosecurity and digital currency state.
Not only is Lee financially invested in the Covid response, he is one of those who planned it. And up he pops writing two articles on one day, seemingly jocular, ad hoc and off the cuff, tossing out references to “like a virgin” and dissing any questions about the official narrative.
This is the national security apparatus in the casual attire of dress down Friday, joshing with the pals in the bar, while failing to disclose he is an agent of the deep state.
All the disclosure you get is “I am a writer, journalist, professor, systems modeler, computational and digital health expert, avocado...”
How many readers would smile or nod at Lee’s wise cracks without checking on his ties to discover that he is defending the reputation of the vaccine as a participant in the Covid response — in all its co-ordinated, simultaneous assaults on the public, from the pre-planned Warp Speed, Moon Shot “vaccine” to the New Normal (depopulation), the financial heist of Lockdown, to the central bank digital currency and the biosecurity state of the Great Reset?
We are not the first to notice Mr Lee’s scriptorial prominence. It turns out that in January, Raheem Kassam on Substack noted that Lee was drafted to the defence after Project Veritas exposed Jordon Trishton-Walker, a Pfizer executive who was filmed boasting about “directed evolution” or the company's proposal to further weaponise viruses through gain of function research.
Lee publicly doubted whether Trishton-Walker even worked for Pfizer — failing to acknowledge that the man’s profiles had been scrubbed from LinkedIn and other social media immediately after the Veritas video.
Kassam points out that Lee himself had received grants from Pfizer in the past. [3]
“This weekend, Forbes.com published a clumsy attempt to discredit the self-declared and first hand source – Jordon Trishton-Walker – who was caught on a Project Veritas hidden camera boasting about Pfizer’s active, dangerous mutation of the COVID-19 virus.
What Forbes doesn’t tell you is its author Dr. Bruce Y. Lee’s proximity to Pfizer, Inc. itself.”
Influencers go under
In contrast to Mr Lee’s efforts at misdirection, consider two recent deaths that are trending on the Twitter accounts that Lee so casually mocks.
The actress and model Katarina Pavelek, 41, ended her life by assisted suicide after she said a Covid booster had destroyed her health. She died at a clinic in Basel, Switzerland on June 17, 2023.
The U.S. resident, a Slovak by birth, from the resort city of Poprad in the former Yugoslavia, had posted on Instagram on the first of last month:
“Over (the) past 10 days I became severely ill again, homebound, unable to do much. My body is too weak to fight this illness and I have no more strength so I made decision to end my life at Pegasos association in Switzerland.”
“I was diagnosed with untreatable, chronic neurological illness ME/CFS caused by the booster jab on top of having suspected respiratory ALS. This illness made me disabled, unable to work or have a social life, and unable to enjoy life altogether.” [4]
Her lung function was declining, making it harder to breathe.
“The booster jab I received over year ago destroyed my health, my body and my life completely. There is no other way to end my suffering other than the decision I made.”
The bodybuilder Jo Lindner, 30, died of an aneurysm on June 30, 2023. He described in an interview last month how his blood had been contaminated by Covid injections, forcing him to have transfusions.
Lindner, AKA Joesthetics, from Regensburg, eastern Bavaria, explained to Bradley Martyn that he underwent a blood-cleaning procedure after receiving four doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.
Martyn: “Did you get the vaxx?”
Lindner: “I got it — even four... You know how it is, when you’re at a party with the wrong people, you might do something that you don’t want to do. There are these people [nudges elbow]: ‘You should do it’.”
Martyn: “You got peer-pressured into the vaxx — is that what you’re saying?”
Lindner: “I did blood cleaning twice after all this. I did a plasmapheresis taking out heavy metals... I showed my bloodwork to the doctor and he sees these particles, like, ‘What is this? This is from this [makes jabbing motion with finger].’ And I’m like, ‘Oh my God’.”
“And I show it to another of my friends and there is all kinds of hidden websites that you can’t get to, the dark web, and there’s even more conspiracy theories.”
Martyn: “I know you're the kind of guy who gets his bloodwork done all the time and then you tell me you got the ‘thing’ and then you got your bloodwork and then it was crazy.”
Lindner: “They said you need to do a plasmapheresis, now!” [5]
In plasmapheresis the liquid part of the blood, or plasma, is separated from the blood cells and replaced with saline or albumin, or the plasma is treated and then returned to the body. It is not a regular treatment but is used in emergency situations where harmful substances must be removed.
He took a d-dimer test to check against clotting and his blood was normal. But then he did plasmapheresis again six months later.
The Sun newspaper in Britain had a long report on Lindner's sudden death — he had millions of social media followers — but did not mention that Lindner said he had been damaged by the shots. [6]
A big thank you to subscriber George Mc for pointing to Mr Lee's background.
Riot to order
Riots spread to Belgium and.... Switzerland. Youth in Lausanne throw paving slabs at shop windows.
At this point, after three years of plandemic, you have to consider that the riots may be planned by similar forces behind the Great Reset. They talk openly about using carrot and stick to change society. [7]
It is odd to see Marine Le Pen described as a right-wing politician... even though, according to the civic lexicon, she historically was such. [8]
Yet politics cannot exist in a bubble independent of events. The expansion of the surveillance state, the vaccine passports (the EU and WHO met to discuss these last month) [9] the corporate capture of the bureaucracy, the imposition of a medical dictatorship not witnessed since Nazi Germany — all these show the state has become much more authoritarian...
If the state has changed, should not our response change, too?
Even politicians in many countries recognise that the surveillance state is making legislatures redundant. Politicians failed to defend our rights or theirs during the plandemic, many parliaments were shuttered and democracy was effectively suspended. In Britain’s House of Commons MPs rarely bother to attend any more.
And yet the press, including the alt media, behaves as if nothing has changed. The old paradigms still hold: the left and the right, the reds and the blues — and anyone who points out the suspension of democracy is a right-winger.
Nukes incoming
Ukraine is propagandising as it lays the ground work for a nuclear false flag event at the Zaporizhzhia plant. [10]
Kim Dotcom writes: “Warning: The Ukrainian counter-offensive failed miserably. The US needs a massive false flag to keep the war going. Something that affects NATO countries directly, like a cloud of nuclear radiation. They will blow up the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and blame it on Russia.”
There is a great summary of the Ukraine fiasco from The Grayzone journalist Max Blumenthal who addresses the UN Security Council. [11]
[1] Forbes, 30 Jun 2023 — ‘Died Suddenly’ Account Tries To Connect Madonna’s Hospitalization And Covid-19 Vaccines
[2] Forbes, 30 Jun 2023 — Madonna Reportedly Discharged From Hospital After Serious Bacterial Infection, Here Are Possible Causes
[3] Raheem Kassam, Jan 2023, Substack — Forbes Hit Piece on Project Veritas is Written By a Scientist Funded by...
[4] Kat Pave, 1 Jun 2023 — Instagram
[5] Jo Lindner speaks to Bradley Martyn, Jun 2023 — Twitter
[6] The Sun, 3 Jul 2023 — Jo Lindner death updates — Tributes pour in for body builder and fitness star ‘Joesthetics’
[7] Liberty Daily, 2 Jul, 2023, Rumble — WEF Globalist Says They'll Use Carrots and Sticks to Force Climate Change Agenda
[8] Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, 2 Jul 2023 — France Has Fallen: Right-wing Politician Marine Le Pen Addresses the French Nation as the Country Grapples in Anarchy
[9] WHO, 5 Jun 2023 — The European Commission and WHO launch landmark digital health initiative to strengthen global health security
[10] New York Post, 2 Jul, 2023 — Ukraine ‘preparing for nuclear explosion’ as Russian troops ordered to leave Zaporizhzhia plant: ‘Whole world is watching’
[11] The Phaser, 2 Jul 2023 — Max Blumenthal at UN Security Council
“you cannot give the job of hall monitor to the same outlets without revealing the effort to control”
Which is a reason why the whole realm of academia and industry has been almost psychotically over-stacked with organisations, titles, acronyms, departments etc. The parasite class restlessly shift their little toys around the board to generate the illusion of diversity.
And certainly B Y Lee’s articles (it’s more than this one) are written in a kind of hip sloppy “streetwise” mode that is so embarrassingly aimed at “the kids” – though, to be sure, the vast majority of the population, no matter what age, have been infantilised.
Indeed, when you put the two observations above together (enormous reams of organisations and curiously “hip” academic), it’s tempting to ask how much of this stuff is virtual i.e. simply drummed up at a computer terminal with contributions from various hack operatives re-arranged and re-attributed.
To all this I say truth reveals itself, himself, herself, themselves, eventually.
So gab.com, bitchute.com, cash, graffiti, and self sufficiency projects all the way!