Am I the only one to notice?

Six months ago the official Gaza body count was 40k, but then a Lancet study estimated it was actually closer to 200k ... correct me if I'm wrong, but now we no longer hear of any estimates ...

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Sadly, I don't think there is any group left with the ability to count.

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Quicksilver's Pride of Man. Orphaned Land, Chains Fall.

Great. Not a soft track in any that you linked.

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Not a soft world. I do have harder stuff but this is a family channel.

But for something softer:




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Thanks for reminding me of this song. I liked it a lot. There's something in the air, indeed. (And for a moment I thought: Is this really Rudi Dutschke handing out ballooons to passers-by and playing drums?

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It's not only wars that are flaring. This guy's job on analyzing raw data might explain the wider cosmic context of all the madness we are witnessing. It is not fear porn:


Meanwhile, because it seems musicians can soften our bleeding heart, the great very Russian singer, artist, Olga Aravieva, "do we need war":


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Nice tidy summary! Worth passing on.

It occurred to me that thhe more people know what the intentions (approximately) are on part of the technocrat class, to better off we will all be as the endgame looms.

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The ones with many faces. Prominent among them are the Weinstein "boys."

Bret raised my eyebrow with "Roger Waters is an anti-Semite." Eric running the über-nefarious Peter Thiel's investment fortune/portfolio is another one. Not a jaw-dropper, just a"Go figure. . . "

I would recommend looking up Vedmore's Twitter post of this: Lots of pertinent anecdotes in the comments too.


BUt wait! There's more!


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Agreed - I'm aware of the nefarious Weinstein boys. Polly St George noted how they were being positioned as the new "dream team" commentariat.

Was Bret's expulsion from Evergreen College orchestrated? I am not doubting their expertise in their respective areas, just who is promoting them and why.

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Considering the nature of the hydra-octopus, that---Bret-Evergreen---is certainly worthy of consideration. So much judicious exploring to do while being accurate, let alone confident in having followed the truthful trail.

The Owners have thrown up sophisticated detours and dead ends in their quest of quests here. Such a head start they have on even those of us who pay attention to these matters at hand, and why we must take them deadly seriously, as they not only warrant such gravitas, they require a profound accuracy, even if we run out of time in reversing, if not at least diverting them sufficiently from their end goals.

This while trying to awaken the sleeping hoi polloi and getting a critical number on our 'side,' such as it is. (That being of necessity in our surveillance state) it calls for a very loose (ethereal?) confederation, even 'cells' being far too reminiscent of actual organization that can be pinpointed.

I assumed you were dialed into (and much more than myself) these two siblings of many faces and too / as well, ill repute. Rather, I ride your blog here and hope that the inquiring minds I consistently see here will pick up on our mutual individual research and put it all together for themselves. Especially for having found a constancy of accuracy herein.

There is so much to know. There is too much to know. But I think we share a goal of knowing and sharing as much quality information as we can stuff into our craniums, while comprehending the very important distinction between chaff and truth's kernels in these most consequential of times, times much more perilous than most are willing to countenance.

Because it is a clear moral duty.

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Eric Weinstein's involvement at UN ILO in organising migration specifically to lower wages and create dependent labour force tied to job, is explored by Johnny Vedmore.

Weinstein was associated with the ILO's "MIGRANT Division" whose team wrote:

"... migration can be counted upon to produce a reliable net benefit in host countries only if it is allowed to decrease wages."

This would benefit corporations, otherwise the decline in wages equals falling spending power, absent credit or universal basic income.


Modellers looked for a mechanism to allow total income to rise while wage income is allowed to fall.

They settled on saleable migrant permits - allowing the host country to "sell" the right of host country citizens to block access to labour markets.

The person who modelled this scheme was Eric Weinstein.

Eric Weinstein, who has since become a central figure in the “Intellectual Dark Web” along with his brother Bret, and the Dailky Wire crowd of Ben Shapiro, David Rubin, Jordan B. Peterson, Sam Harris, Douglas Murray, and also Joe Rogan.

See migrant work permits. If these are tied to one job, employers won't need to spend money on perks and benefits to buy the loyalty of native workers - since the migrants will be "tethered."

So this is not the conspiracy of a Great Replacement that some people dismiss as xenophobia.

Consider also that those enabling open borders and irregular migration may have more than one objective.

Weinstein wrote: “In effect, the government would assume all the administrative and transport costs for a group of migrants, as well as calculating the additional external impacts of hosting them."

He acknowledges: "opening markets to migrants from lower-income countries can act as a kind of “tax”, redistributing native income away from workers and towards employers. Of course, it can be argued that any proposed redistribution is intrinsically neither good nor bad."

Voters, however, would revolt. Unrestricted migration would create problems of “ghettoization” and issues relating to “long-term native shortages.”

Weinstein regards this dispassionately, and expresses no reason not to proceed.

Jordan Peterson also worked for the United Nations on employment related research.



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It’s quite telling that all of this information is readily available if one just takes a little bit

Thanks for posting that

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The amazing thing is that the project is not disguiused. Yet most wilfully play ignorant.

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Yes, it very much does cater to the fault minded coward set

The COVID narrative and ensuing fiasco pretty much separated the week from the chair as far as I’m concerned

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I'm in the UK and had no idea Alli was linked to the Maxwells. I suspect Starmer is in an intimate relationship with Alli. He is warning us to brace ourselves for difficult times ahead when things are already a bit shit whilst he's swanning around in fancy gear. Apparently Alli's mum was a nurse from Trinidad and his estranged dad a mechanic from Guyana. And now he is a Lord in the UK.

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