Hospital Bombings, Denial And Blood Sacrifice
Israeli military fuse online 'movie' with ground-based evidence, aimed to confuse
800 or more killed in bombing of Baptist hospital of Gaza
Hackers and frotters seek to ginny up false footage to exculpate Israel
Choose your narrative - but beware the conflicted corporate media
France, Netherlands, U.S. and UK move military assets to the region
U.S. State Department bans talk of de-escalation: wants it to go big
Iran sanctions are lifted, allowing it to buy and sell weapons
U.S. embassies engulfted in flames
Every jigsaw piece falls into place if you want WW3
Defined as a war that changes geography and life of peoples
The architects reside far away, Hamas in Doha and bankers in City of London
The author seeks to be objective, not relativist nor imposing an arbitrary balance
Please forgive any faults with tense due to fast-moving events
(3,500 words, or about 15 minutes in your company.)
UPDATE: It turns out the hospital is Anglican, established in 1882. According to the diocese it was hit two times before the final attack. The courtyard was full of people and family who had abandoned their homes because they thought a hospital was safe.
Oct 18, 2023
Every war begins with an attack by, or blamed on, the other side. I beg you to keep that in mind, before throwing in your lot.
The same media who say it is a "war crime" to bomb military targets in Ukraine say it is okay to bomb civilians in Gaza, Jordan, Syria: airports, field hospitals, schools including a UN academy and, with a toll of 800 or more, a Christian hospital.
Before our dialogue, here's a run-down of events
The Baptist hospital
Netanyahu-appointed Israeli Digital Spokesperson Hananya Naftali on Tuesday posted, then deleted, a Tweet admitting that Israel bombed the Baptist Hospital in Gaza, killing at least 500 civilians.
After he deleted the Tweet, IDF-affiliated accounts began sharing a 2022 video as “proof” that Hamas bombed the Gaza Baptist Hospital.
The correct video shows that hospital was categorically bombed with a single high impact missile... The sound and image reveals its high velocity.
The supposed evidence of Palestinian rockets that misfired and broke up were in fact flares dropped from the jet. Flares fly AWAY from the site of the blast as the plane flees.
Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital was founded in 1905. Just 20 hours before the attack, thousands of people were taking shelter from their bombed-out homes, and keeping children occupied in cleaning the garden. The hospital long predating the State of Israel. Its destruction has parallels with ISIS in Palmyra.
A two-decades long arms embargo on Iran is due to expire today in an ominous coincidence. There will be no legal or international obstacle to Iran buying or selling weapons, including ballistic missiles.
President Biden arrived in Israel, though the Arab leg of his tour was curtailed when Jordan's king refused to see him.
Western embassies are under attack across the region, including Turkey, Jordan, Tunisia; the U.S. embassy in Lebanon was engulfed in flames.
The UN Security Council on Monday rejected a call for a ceasefire. Even the UN Sec Gen was silent until today, and then failed to condemn the perpetrators of the bombing of schools and hospitals. Russia and UAE call for emergency Security Council meeting after Gaza hospital massacre.
Israel never supplied water this week, despite the media carrying claims that it would do so in South Gaza. Food, power and water has run out. The next 24 hours are crucial.
Turkey, Jordan, EU have sent aid to Egypt. Israel won't let it cross into Gaza. Israel's minister of national security Ben Gvir said yesterday:
“As long as Hamas does not release the captives it holds, the only thing that should be sent into Gaza is hundreds of tons of explosives from the Air Force, not a single gram of humanitarian aid.”
Despite the danger of the deteriorating situation, U.S. voters are increasingly supportive of Israel in polls. Quinnipiac asked voters whether their sympathies lay more with the Israelis or more with the Palestinians.
Israelis 61% [+20]
Palestinians 13% [-17]
[Change vs 2021)
There is however a gulf between older people who back Israel, and under 30s.
Demonstrations showed that many people object to war, but it's being framed as support for Hamas, by many Western governments to label it a terrorist organisation.
France banned all pro Palestinian demonstrations last week. Security police on German streets, and in helicopters supplement regular law enforcement. Felix Klein, the government's anti-Semitism Czar wants the police to arrest demonstrators "even if the speech in question doesn't lead to disturbing the peace."
Words versus lies,
genocide versus humanity
The greatest threat to humanity right now is how the majority clamours for blood.
Despite the attitude of the police, it is not the duty of citizens to slavishly obey government, especially when people in power seem to be trying to have us killed.
It may be odd to say it, as we approach the second quarter of the 21st century, but government's job is to provide a minimal services and defend the borders. Not to go looking for trouble or generate threats.
Governments do, indeed, provide minimal service at considerable cost. By the way, do you see any sign of governments defending borders?
Governments have become a rent-extraction system - for in reality they are an extension of the fiat banking system by which central bankers create credit out of thin air, lend it to governments, who “govern” the people into paying the interest.
Politicians have gone wayward, pursuing an agenda that contains few of the duties of government as we knew it.
Not-free bird
The unelected president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, flew to Israel to pledge support.
Not only is she a bureaucrat and not an elected politician, foreign policy is not her job; it's that of high representative Josep Borrell.
It's a clue that the people who pull Ursula's drawer strings are using her, unconstitutionally, for their own agenda. Except the EU does not have a constitution either!
The world truly is being played on many levels.
The public is being manipulated through psychological games — whipsawed by the "latest thing" — issues of the day, some fake, some real, battering their minds this way and that.
Remember transgender?
That was so, like, a month ago.
Trans is an inconvenience to a comfortable Western society which, while diverse on the surface, is culturally pretty uniform. A traditionalist might object to a Pride display at Tesco or Target, but like the purple-haired person at checkout behind them, they all go to Tesco or Target.
The Palestinians, appearing as a non-homogeneous mix of different tribes, not only live in a far off country of which we "know little, and care less." They challenge the uniformity of Western life, which identifies much more easily with (what they know of) Israelis. Like Ukrainians, the television urges us to support, "because they look just like us."
So older people, who felt mildly uncomfortable but co-existed with green-and-pink hair, are whipped into antagonistic fury against a people thousands of miles away, framed in the media by prejudice and lies, not logic.
That's as deep as it goes — no thought for the likely escalation of war and what that would mean.
Volunteers marched to the Somme in August of 1914 believing they would be home by Christmas. They thought they were on a brief expedition to give the Hun a bloody nose for bayoneting Belgian babies.
Babies are, yet again, the focus of atrocity propaganda, as we discussed in 'Beheaded Babies' Is A Century-Old Trope (Oct 12, 2023) but that is not the only parallel with war as a "call to action."
Uniformity of thought is being imposed, from the television screen to the social media networks and the physical lanes of our cities — in other words freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are being curtailed.
It was only yesterday that laws were being passed to "protect children" from abuse or hate speech on the Internet.
Civil liberties advocates warned that laws like the UK Online Safety Bill (OSB) were vague and ill-defined, and could be used to ban legitimate dissent.
Sure enough, police are restricting protests, saying chants in support of Palestinians "could offend." The OSB only passed parliament last month, and has not yet received the Royal Assent.
The body that will oversee the OSB is the Office of Communications, OFCOM, this week suspended its director of online safety supervision after she ‘liked’ an Instagram post accusing Israel of “ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians.”
Fadzai Madzingira is a Rhodes Scholar — very much a servant of the establishment — with two master's degrees from Oxford University and even she has crashed the barriers of free speech.
This is precisely the problem that liberties lawyers raised, and politicians ignored.
In another example, the BBC issued an apology after it described pro-Palestine demonstrations that took place in the UK over the weekend as “pro-Hamas” protests, admitting it was “poorly phrased.”
Then the BBC took six presenters "off air" due to what it said was their pro-Palestinian position. MSNBC did the same with three of its anchors.
Bureaucrats and the military, and those who own the military industrial complex, seem to want not only to control debate but also to impose one single, uniform opinion.
It is a strange way to run society, in which a "loyal opposition" has always ensured that policies are debated, to expose conflicts of interest and corruption, and laws that are just downright stupid.
Yet under Covid 1.0, opposition parties seemed to give up. Like the party in power, the opposing bench just went along with whatever bureaucrats told them to do.
Well-intentioned administrators have no need of censorship, which is always a sign of foul play; even malice. No rational, logically-worded law can ever achieve uniformity of thought because, as the British say, the truth will out.
Sure enough, in France, Belgium and Illinois in the U.S. there was a predictable response: individuals fired up by violent words and images murdering people. In Plainfield, Illinois a landlord stabbed a 6 year-old Palestinian-American boy to death.
Such events, organic or orchestrated, will be used as the pretext for further clampdowns.
French police arrested 13 people in Strasbourg at a rally in defence of Palestinians, including Jean-Claude Meyer, a member of the French Jewish Union for Peace (UJFP), for carrying a Palestinian flag. France then banned all such demonstrations.
Former British ambassador Craig Murray was detained after writing in defence of Hezbollah and Hamas.
As for Germany police, you have to see to believe. [1]
The Six o'clock Five
People may fight over words — they always have — and that is not the issue. The danger is that war will escalate rapidly, and that its purpose is not merely to reshape South West Asia (what the West calls the Mid East) but, just as the rich use every war, to alter life back home for the worse.
Frankly, only a small minority follow the activities of world powers and conflict, beyond what they are told by "the news." Nor do they realise that five corporations control that news; that they all answer to the same owner-investors who own the military industrial complex.
In debating the majority, there is less to be gained by joining the argument of Israeli vs Palestinian. That is exactly the fight that the owners of the media want you to have; and they already framed it in racist and supremacist terms.
More can be achieved by spotlighting the identical interests advanced by the "cascading crises" which Joe Biden promised at his inauguration.
These crises invoke similar trigger words, allowing social engineers to impose them like layers in Photoshop, or a collage in the days of handicraft, or the kaleidoscope of last century's childhood.
These comprise Covid 1.0 up to Covid 4.0. but first came...
Covid 0.0
Is it a coincidence that when support for the Covid response declined, a war broke out in Ukraine and, when that offensive began to sputter, the war in Israel replaced it?
First they mandated the shot, then sported flags for Ukraine, and now, impose zero tolerance for anything but Israel.
Strictly however, Covid 1.0 was not the first, for it began with the bombing of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. This launched the War on Terror, and a raft of surveillance laws, the best known being the PATRIOT Act which had, conveniently, been written in advance and was passed, like a sneeze, in an instant.
The tickle in the nose was the terrorists — elusive; as hard to find as weapon of mass destruction — yet everywhere, we were told: behind every wall and corner.
At home what changed mostly was how law enforcement saw its mission. Attorney General John Ashcroft said preventing terrorist acts had become more important than punishing crimes after the event.
Philip K. Dick yet again showed his prescience with the 1956 novel “Minority Report.” Ashcroft’s definition of pre-crime extended to “spitting on the side walk.”
See ‘Climate Emergency’ Would Be Step Closer To Dictatorship: Hate laws will censor all dissent (Sep 21, 2023)
Covid 1.0 was "war on diseased human parasites"
Remember Instagram influencers posting happy snaps from quarantine camps?
Youth were led by the nose ring by journals like Quillette, calling Covid “the biggest fight of our lives,” while failing to question the logic of locking down the healthy.
They banned handshakes as unclean so people started to salute instead. Mussolini, like Hitler, was a germophobe and said handshakes "should be absolutely eliminated in the daily contacts of Italian citizens."
When concentration camps were set up in Nazi-occupied Europe their prime aim was to contain a typhus epidemic, a bacterial disease spread by lice and fleas. Patients, including Jews and Roma, were told they were being quarantined for their protection and that of others.
Typhus was used as a "weapon of mass destruction with the 'silent complicity' of the International Committee of the Red Cross," wrote Georgetown University paediatrician Dr Naomi Baumslag.
See Book Your Concentration Camp Now: 'A cheap holiday in other people's misery' (Dec 2, 2021).
Although the harm has been shown to equal or outweigh the good, many seem to recall with fondness the masks and lockdowns, social distancing — seemingly out of Harry Potter — the "rule of six."
These have been shown to be to some of the jabsters. They have since lost their minds.
Like the participants in the Third Reich, on all sides, they are now rewriting history. The UK became the first western country to license a vaccine against Covid, with the first jab approved the Pfizer/BioNTech one. The Astra Zeneca shot was withdrawn for its side effects but King Charles knighted the "inventor" anyway.
No-one was ever forced to get the jab, says Justin Trudeau and ousted New Zealand prime minister Chris Hipkins, and bureaucrats and corporate fronts like a Pfizer speaking to the Australian parliament.
It's true that no-one was physically held down and jabbed with the shot — they just had to give up their job, perhaps lose their family and leave their home.
The bureaucrats are not finished with Covid; it's not over 'til the fat lady sings. Bill Gates has not left the stage.
Melinda at the gates
Gates' foundation, and Melinda whose name is still on the brass plate, is investing more money to help poorer countries roll out mRNA vaccines - which proved such a success during Covid 1.0.
He's putting $40 million into Quantoom Biosciences [I guess he thinks that's you pronounce it in Africa] to make "next-generation mRNA health tools."
You don't have to read between the lines to see that Bill is not happy that Africans didn't take the Covid shot. They didn't catch Covid either but that's not the point. The mRNA spike protein is being rolled out for a range of diseases, including tuberculosis, malaria, and Lassa fever.
“This collaboration will help close critical gaps in access to promising mRNA vaccines against diseases that disproportionately affect the world’s poorest," said Morena Makhoana, CEO of Biovac. " It will also assist us in our mission to establish end-to-end vaccine manufacturing capability at scale in Africa for global supply."
In the West, they're researching how to put it into food: you vill eat ze vaccines! Current mRNA vaccines being used in swine are injected into the muscle. Remember how we were told the vaccine stays in the muscle, and now its winding up all over the body? [2]
Covid 2.0 is war in Ukraine
The Covidians who said the unjabbed should die in their homes, then supported a war in Europe where Russians and Ukrainians died in their homes — this time injected by missile.
The media tells you the Ukraine war began in 2014, ignoring the promises made to the former Soviet Union in the 1990s that NATO would not expand to the East, let alone launch a coup in Kyiv in 2014.
Russian troops claim to have found dozens of bio weapons labs, and documentation that they were partly financed by Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca.
After more than 18 months and deaths likely in the hundreds of thousands, the war is being put on the back burner for now.
The US is running out of money for Ukraine unless Congress approves additional funding, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Wednesday.
"And in Ukraine, on the Ukraine funding, we're coming near to the end of the rope," he added. "Today we announced $200 million, and we'll keep that aid going as long as we can, but it's not going to be indefinite."
Scholar on Ukraine and professor at the University of Chicago John Mearsheimer commented, "Admiral Kirby's comments that we're not going to fund Ukraine for the long term means, basically, they are finished... We're bailing on them now and it's hard for me to see, especially in the light of the failed counteroffensive how the Ukrainians don't collapse."
That doesn't mean war is over. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says the country can "absolutely" afford another war and support fighting at the same time in both Israel and Ukraine.
So alongside the blue and yellow; hoist the Star of David.
Covid 3.0 is war on Gaza
The media tells you the conflict in Israel began a week ago with an incursion by Hamas. Like the "sudden invasion of Ukraine," that's not true. Gaza's uprising is one of a series of revolts going back 75 years.
Like Ukraine, those who portray themselves as the victim have the support of the most powerful Western governments, along with the munitions industry. While these players say they are avoiding civilian casualties, they are using weapons proscribed by international law: cluster munitions, "petal" land mines, and white phosphorous.
An Israeli military spokesman told Bloomberg news: "White phosphorus use not confirmed, but its use is 'not unlawful' in certain situations."
Another parallel is the infighting that characterised war in Ukraine. Israeli parliamentarian Ofer Cassif warns that Israel is about to explode into a Ukraine-like civil war, "with Azov-style Kahanist militias hunting down and murdering Palestinians and leftist Jews," according to the must-follow reporter Dan Cohen. [3]
The police have clearly been instructed that there is only one line to take: everyone is a potential terrorist; no marching against vaccine mandates; no show of solidarity with Gaza's population, of whom more than half are under 18... no balance, no nuance. Just jab those protestor in the side or the belly, for Israel!
Who and what caused the rhetoric of war to dial up to 11 in a flash - without even a period of reflection? The answer is that it must have been prepared in advance: a campaign of psychological manipulation by government and media.
Gung-ho for escalation, the old gang, headquartered in the City of London, seem to be full-tilt for war. The State Department even put out a memo ordering that there should be no talk about de-escalation. The region is crucial to ensuring the unipolar order, and preventing countries from coming together in a way that could threaten the interests of the City and Wall Street.
Without launching into a tangent, South West Asia is the crucial connection point centred on the seas — Red, Mediterranean and Indian — connecting India, China, north Russia, Iran through Turkey and North Africa to Europe.
And that was to control the region so that Russia or Germany or no other power could obstruct Britain's access to India. [4]
The deeper question is how does starving the population of Gazans make Israel's people any more safe?
Covid 4.0 is war on the Climate
Bill Gates has an answer for you. Climate makes it harder for crops to grow, he say, so you may die.
You need to buy his solution to Climate Change, which means "different seeds that can deal with the heat, deal with the drought" which means his Monsanto genetically modified (GMO) one-time, non-replicating, money tree.
"If we don't act on climate and vaccines we wont have the improvement that we owe the developing world," he continues.
We know where this is going: cows fart, meat is bad, bankrupt the farmers, buy up the land, sequester the carbon, cut down the trees, spray the atmosphere to blot out the sun, and declare water, the ultimate renewable, a cost to be rationed.
All the above, Covid. 0 to 4, gets us to a point
Many will refuse to believe the evidence of their "lying eyes." But Covid shots have impaired the cognitive ability of billions of people. No longer mere brain fog, this is the macabre cawing for death by people not long for this world.
[1] Twitter/X - Police brutality is back
[2] The Conversation, May 2021 - Why do we get shots in the arm? It’s all about the muscle
[3] Dan Cohen, Twitter/X - 'Rivers of Blood' - Israel headed for civil war?
[4] Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Org, Oct 16, 2023 - Who Will Stop the War Hawks from Triggering World War III?
Points out the sequential reinforcing whiplash nature of the various steps already taken to set the population in mental and behavioral disarray. And it becomes obvious why the lies are so important, so important that they are moronically farcical but still promoted across the attack spectrum by the hired stooges of government, media, and industry. After the appropriate softening up of intellectual capabilities by the Educational industrial Complex of course. Can't wait to see the follow-up actions and the End Game. Probably the new MERS spike virus engineered for NIH at Wuhan with 30% lethality and then a world war to cleanup and consolidate.
Sucks to be young.
Another hit out of the park. Much appreciated. The “push” is hard, and, when this hard, like the “shot”, one must pause. I need your writing, as there is so few reporting without agenda. Your final paragraph is truly sad, and, when presented with alternative possibilities, “they” defend the Matrix at all costs. As you wrote earlier, “‘they’ must be pushed aside.” I have no compassion left for the ignorant. We’re in for a rough ride.