Governments Fall As War Drive Exposes Rifts
'Centrists' face moment of truth over social services
The truckers' enemy Chrystia Freeland is replaced in Canada's government
Coalitions in France and Germany collapse
Britain's PM moves to cancel local elections next year
Deep state ramps up war before Trump takes office
Outgoing "collective Biden" plants landmines for successor
USA's first National Defense Industrial Strategy has no off ramp
European Council president calls to put the EU’s economy “on a war footing”
European NATO outspends Russia 3X and yet under pressure to spend more
Who is running Western policy - or does it follow the profit of war?
Can arms industry drive growth or will it cannibalise social services?
Centrists hit contradiction: pay the warmongers or welfare
War is the health of the state - just not yours
Crisis Update - Truckers' Leaders Arrested - Canadian rights suspended as The Great Reset is accelerated (Feb 18, 2022)
Canadians Face To Face With Fascism - Liberal left begins to recognize the tyrannical impulse behind The Great Reset (Feb 21, 2022)
German Voters Reject Political Squatters - 'Centrist' parties defy popular fury, cling to power (Sep 03, 2024)
Race War, Managed Decline And Succession - Seemingly disparate events align with one objective (Jul 31, 2024)
WW3 Or State Terror, You Decide - Do governments have citizens in their sights? (Feb 02, 2024)
Any 'Emergency’ Would Be Step Closer To Dictatorship - Hate laws will censor all dissent (Sep 21, 2023)
The Great Reset As Subversion - A KGB defector warned us decades ago (Jan 02, 2022)
When The Great Reset Is Complete - A future retrospective (Nov 23, 2021)
The Never Normal is Forever - UK gov aims to embed control through 'new identities' (Sep 07, 2021)
(3,500 words, a quarter hour, or as long as you want)
Dec 20, 2024
From Canada, across the scudding Atlantic to the oyster beds of France, up the Rhine to Germany… governments are falling.
At last a writer need not bend stories into false equivalence. The same deeply unpopular policies of war funded by budget cuts and austerity have politicians polling at record lows.
Incumbents no longer bother with rhetoric of "saving democracy" in Ukraine. They admit it is about challenging Russia for resources, as they trample rights at home.
The U.S. military withdrew from Afghanistan in August 2021, just six months before the Ukraine war ramped up. Now the war in Ukraine is bogged down and we see the fall this month of Syria, clearing a path to Iran and some of the world's biggest deposits of oil and gas.
The People rightly protest, because we are also the target: the military-banking cartel wants a new monetary system that will enforce compliance on humanity.
France's mouvement des gilets jaunes, the yellow vests, predated the Covid tyranny, starting in 2018, protesting at fuel and energy taxes hitting jobs and living standards. They called for genuine democracy, and social and fiscal justice, not the fake globalist version of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Canada's truckers were cheered around the world as they made their way to Ottawa three winters ago to confront lawmakers over vaccine mandates. Dutch farmers led the resistance to farm closures, joined recently by British. Sri Lankan farmers razed the estates of politicians in 2021 after their own farms saw yields fall 50 per cent as fertilizer and pesticides were banned.
See Crisis Update - Truckers' Leaders Arrested - Canadian rights suspended as The Great Reset is accelerated (Feb 18, 2022)
Canadians Face To Face With Fascism - Liberal left begins to recognize the tyrannical impulse behind The Great Reset (Feb 21, 2022)
Managed (not) democracy
As popular unrest grows, elections and their results increasingly are managed. In the European elections of June 2024, then in France, eastern Germany and Austria, the incumbent parties refused to vacate, even when the popular will rejected war and austerity.
Self-described "centrists" (pushing the safe and effective, war, energy starvation and degrowth) manoeuvred to keep the winning parties out of power.
Bear with me; it takes a fine needle to weave a tapestry to describe what we face, but they did it at Bayeux.
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In Romania this month's election was cancelled when a former globalist insider, Club of Rome and United Nations executive, Calin Georgescu, was poised to win, because he wants to reconsider the expansion of NATO bases and war with Ukraine.
In Georgia violent demonstrations have sputtered for months as the European Commission and NATO seek to unseat the re-elected government for being insufficiently keen on war with the Russian neighbour.
The European continent and now Canada are in play as The People reject the direction in which they are being towed, increasingly gagged (censored) and bound (imprisoned for speech, beaten for protest) by politicians or their masters.
We no longer have representative democracy in which deputies reflect the popular will, even indirectly.
In Britain, Keir Starmer is moving to cancel some or all local authority elections next year on the grounds that he is reorganising county and district councils into one tier.
UK's Labour faces a public backlash over £40 billion in tax hikes, but that's just a fraction of at least £20 billion underwritten in loans to Ukraine and £150 billion owed to the Bank of England for propping up the banking sector after the 2008 crash.
The European Union has already spent more than €130 billion to support Ukraine, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen admitted this week.
It is no coincidence that it has come to a head with the re-election of president Donald Trump.
It was during the 2020 election campaign that democracy had to be "saved" so that the self-described elites retained control of democratic institutions by any means necessary.
Time magazine’s Molly Ball wrote: “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election."
Democracy is sacrificed on the altar of democratic institutions aka the bureaucracy.
Hidden rulers
Joe Biden was struggling mentally from the very start, his staffers admit. They told The Wall Street Journal they have had to compensate for his limitations since 2020.
Whoever has been running his administration these past four years is now laying landmines for the successor:
selling off the unassembled stretches of border wall
changing rules on the federal workforce making it harder to discipline or fire
considering pre-emptive pardons for numerous politicians and bureaucrats
filing judicial positions, issuing new environmental and climate orders
approved anti-personnel landmines for Ukraine and wiping $5 bn of debt
likely approved the murder of the general probing Ukraine biolabs
All this and more in the fading hours of the Biden presidency.
Above all, regime change in Syria, planned for more than two decades, and the biggest CIA budget item over those years, concluded six weeks before Trump's inauguration.
An al-Qaeda offshoot took power, with U.S., Israeli and Turkish help, making a mockery of servicemen's lives lost and citizens' liberties vanquished in the name of the War on Terror.
The legacy media scrambled to explain why Hayat Tahrir al-Sham should be taken off the U.S. terrorist wanted list, while its leader, and Syria's new boss, Mohammed al Jolani, still has a $10 million bounty on his head.
2024 was the year people noticed en masse that democracy was missing in action. Yet great moments of social change are seen only in the rear view mirror.
If the West is no longer democratic, it is because it ceased to be decades ago. Of course, the PATRIOT Act of 2001 was a key turning point but even that had been planned years before.
By the way, since al-Qaeda is now “one of us” can we repeal the PATRIOT Act?
See Race War, Managed Decline And Succession - Seemingly disparate events align with one objective (Jul 31, 2024)
WW3 Or State Terror, You Decide - Do governments have citizens in their sights? (Feb 02, 2024)
Any 'Emergency’ Would Be Step Closer To Dictatorship - Hate laws will censor all dissent (Sep 21, 2023)
In this article we'll consider the push for a war economy, in Europe and the U.S which has its first National Defense Industrial Strategy; the impact on social services and how that's driving budgetary crisis; whether polycrisis serves the World Economic Forum-UN agenda, strengthening the trend to reducing social costs (suspicious deaths in UK hospitals and care homes did not end with the pandemic) with measures like Canada's medical assistance in dying (MAID).
We'll look at the collapse of governments and the ways in which the centralising, cybernetic technocrats will continue to push their cascading crises.
[Keep up the seasonal cheer, dear friends. We must know what we face in order to defeat it.]
A brief summary of financial crisis in Canada, Germany and France. You can skip this part for the section on how weapons spending will affect social spending.
Canada's finance minister Chrystia Freeland resigned just as she was about to report her autumn budget.
The Trudeau government wants to increase military spending from $41 billion (1.35 per cent of GDP) but cannot find the money.
They spent money on Covid like it was going out of fashion and are seeking to cheer voters with seasonal tax breaks on holiday-themed items. That's been passed but Freeland was blocking a $250 cheque that the government wanted to send to every Canadian earning less than $150,000 annually.
The autumn economic statement on Monday revealed a $60b deficit ($42bn; £33bn) after Freeland promised in the spring to keep it below $40bn.
Her replacement Dominic LeBlanc is a Trudeau loyalist who last week seized Canadians' remaining guns — promising to gift them to Ukraine.
LeBlanc retains the role of minister of public safety. Canadians will note with dry humour that was Maximilien Robespierre's role in the Committee of Public Safety, the principal organ of the French revolutionary government during the Reign of Terror.
"Even Trudeau loyalists are fleeing to escape deficit disaster," is the headline in the National Post.
Spending is set to rise $45 billion over the next six years, perhaps more, to meet Trump's concerns over border security and NATO contributions.
Freeland said she intends to stay on as a Liberal member of parliament, and that she will run again in Canada's upcoming election, which must be held on or before October.
Five siting Liberal MP publicly called on Trudeau to step down.
Germany quarrels
Germany's ruling coalition has fallen apart. They performed disastrously in the elections in eastern Länder in September 2024, but the Greens/SPD on the one hand, and the Free Democrats on the other, also disagreed on budgets.
In October, FDP finance minister Christian Lindner effectively denounced the coalition's entire economic and financial policy.
Funny business, using billions of euro earmarked for Covid, to shore up climate policy, which the top court ruled illegal, leaving a €60 billion hole.
The Greens/SDP want to replace welfare with a citizens' income, add 400,000 new homes each year, pensions were to be financed from the stock market. [1]
In Germany the likely next chancellor will be Friedrich Merz of the Christian Democrat CDU, who supports arming Ukraine with more long-range missiles. He is a former chairman of asset manager BlackRock, which is invested in Ukraine.
Merz likely sympathises with former Dutch prime minister and NATO chief Mark Rutte who last week pointed to European pensions - and said countries should spend "a small fraction of that money to make our defences much stronger."
France marches
In France, president Emmanuel Macron shows no sign of retiring, despite the collapse of his latest attempt to keep "centrists" in control, by manoeuvring to exclude Marine Le Pen's National Rally and Jean-Luc Mélenchon's France Unbowed, and the left-wing New Popular Front.
Instead Macron installed “centrist" Michel Barnier, who lasted three months before losing a no-confidence vote.
The next "centrist" prime minister Francois Bayrou is trying to win Le Pen's support for... you guessed it... austerity: tax hikes and spending cuts to find 60 billion euro ($65 billion) next year.
Higher taxes on electricity, air travel, non electric cars, freezing state pensions, cutting medical reimbursements, reducing support for apprenticeships.
But they won't touch the defence budget which got its biggest boost in half a century in July to spend 413 billion euros ($450 billion) in an attempt to reach 2 per cent of GDP.
Military spending for 2024-2030 is more than a third higher from 2019-2025.
Centrists squat
In a democracy Trudeau and Scholz would already have left office, and it would not be long before Keir Starmer joined the list of six British ex-prime ministers and eight former foreign secretaries in just 10 years.
It is not only in Biden's America that we should ask, who exactly, is driving policy?
See German Voters Reject Political Squatters - 'Centrist' parties defy popular fury, cling to power (Sep 03, 2024)
Normalisation, stage four
See The Great Reset As Subversion - A KGB defector warned us decades ago (Jan 02, 2022)
If you had any doubt that they are sowing chaos in the system so that they can present a solution, surely the wars raging and governments collapsing worldwide, are your evidence.
We ignore children collapsing on the sports fields — doctors are "baffled" — while children in Gaza die from hunger, bullets and bombs.
We do not connect, even though a strong argument can be made that the same military and oiler-banker interests are behind both.
This is a facet of media, which refracts light like a cut stone, or distorts image like a hall of mirrors.
Life in Europe and America seems normal, if wallets are a little tight, amid polices of war and austerity. Humans have an infinite ability to adjust to changing conditions: look once more at survival in Gaza.
Yet life as normal is unsustainable. We were threatened in 2020 with a new normal and it has arrived.
See The Never Normal is Forever - UK Gov aims to Embed Control through 'New Identities' (Sep 07, 2021)
Who they?
It is all about resources and the monetary system that those resources underpin.
The Anglo American Establishment, the City of London — the money power however you name it, I use the placeholder Rockefeller, Rothschild & Rex — did not want a rival to establish a route from the Pacific to Atlantic, or the German plan for a railway from Berlin to Baghdad, or the integration of India or Africa with Europe. They want to be the forever middleman, thus they need a policy to divide and conquer.
Weapons spending
Resources are diverted from social services into the military industrial complex; that's what a policy of war and austerity means.
European Union countries are estimated to have raised their combined defence spending to €326 billion (about $340 billion) — equivalent to a record 1.9 percent of gross domestic product — in 2024, the European Defence Agency reported.
Russia is estimated to have spent 10.4 trillion roubles this year, increasing to 13.5 trillion in 2025 (about $130 billion). That's nearly 40 per cent of the federal budget, or about 6 per cent of GDP.
NATO currently has a 2 per cent of GDP target for arms spending — which 23 out of 32 members say they will meet this year — and they will discuss raising that to 3 per cent at next year's summit. [2]
The U.S. Department of Defense had a budget in 2024 of $849.8 billion, although the total funding from Congress, known as budgetary resources, amounted to $1.99 trillion distributed among its six sub-components. That's more than 16 per cent of the federal budget or about 3.5 per cent of GDP. [3]
Social disservice
Many European governments have ring fenced aid to Ukraine and military spending, while a poor economic outlook — weak productivity and exports, and a continuing energy crisis that has seen two years of stagnation — makes it inevitable that social services will be cut.
Brussels' answer is to consider war bonds, or in plain terms issuing debt jointly. European Council president Charles Michel has suggested to put the EU’s economy “on a war footing.”
Newly appointed EU defence and space commissioner Andrius Kubilius wants to allocate €100 billion for defence, to integrate the union's arms industry.
One proposal is to exclude defence spending from the Stability and Growth Pact which limits budget deficits to 3 per cent of GDP and public debt to 60 per cent of GDP. [4]
The U.S. has its first ever National Defense Industrial Strategy, intended to increase investment into the armaments sector.
It is arguable that the U.S. never left the war economy after the end of WW2 and that we witness a further skewing of industry, and thus foreign policy, towards war, with no off ramp. [5]
The U.S. has no shortage of available labour thanks to open borders and has a better record of putting immigration to productive use. Trump's proposal of tariffs on imports should be seen in that context. Growth has a better chance of exceeding inflation, unlike Europe and the UK.
Forecasts for Canada sit in the middle, with growth and inflation around 2 per cent.
Whose defence?
What these figures suggest is that European members of NATO already outspend Russia by almost three times, and the U.S. spends at least three times as much as European members of NATO. We are talking here about total defence spending, not contributions to NATO's budget.
Former British diplomat in Russia, Ian Proud, told Judge Andrew Napolitano:
"We've got to rid of this myth of defence spending. It is about lining the pockets of the big arms contractors. It's got nothing to do with security."
The narrow question is Europe's technology, its efficiency and productivity. The broad theme is who benefits from the move to a war economy. The bonus question is whether the EU will dramatically increase its arms industry or, more likely, purchase U.S. weaponry.
WEF puffery
The World Economic Forum's chairman Klaus Schwab has boasted about "penetrating" the cabinets of Western governments.
He does have a record of falsely claiming politicians to be his acolytes, but the point stands. The WEF won't give up, even if by looking at the nuts and bolts of WEF policy it is failing at some pretty important hurdles.
We have to ask (1) which bits of Net Zero are genuine objectives, (2) which are disruptors — sowing chaos in the system so they can present a solution — and (3) which are distraction or pretext for more nefarious objectives like demographics, migration and depopulation.
It is because of this game of mirrors that most media, including Alt, steer clear of the Great Reset, Build Back Better, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the New Normal and Sustainable Development Goals.
Here at Moneycircus we have interrogated the Great Reset from multiple angles. See When The Great Reset Is Complete - A future retrospective (Nov 23, 2021)
To prove point (1): Central bank digital currency is a serious objective, including programmable money which could be tailored to an individual's carbon footprint.
Programmable CBDC requires bio-digital identity, which is being attempted under different pretexts: vaccine passports, and age identification on the Internet (Australia).
Carbon footprint disguises a further objective; this is how the globalist GR, BBB, 4IR, NN and SDGs work, each measure being a pretext for another.
Point (2) is evidenced by what's happened to health services in Western countries. In Britain, the Covid slogan of "protect the NHS" was actually used as a pretext to reduce in-person appointments and introduce telemedicine. We are told that matching drugs to DNA is 'new era of medicine' and how new medicines will be launched in 100 days.
Health services will likely remain under budgetary squeeze, while there is a brazen attempt to monetize patient data. Britain's NHS calls data collection the General Practice Extraction Service (GPES) but is coy about how it is used. [6]
Even before Covid, Obamacare in the U.S. handed more rapacious profits to the insurance sector (and cost Brian Thompson of United Healthcare his life).
The health of the state
Point (3) can be seen in the open borders policy, which is fulfilling some of the aims expressed in the UN document from 2000 called "Replacement Migration."
This point (3) is arguably the ultimate objective because it is the nexus or hub at which so many policies meet:
UNDRIP - which seeks invalidate the ownership deeds of "white" settlers and return lands to assemblies of indigenous people
Managed retreat - which clears the population from land deemed vulnerable to climate change
SMART and 15-minute cities which seek to contain the population
The "safe and effective" which appears to reduce the population
This will continue… but let’s take a breather.
[1] DW, Nov 2024 - Germany's coalition government falls apart — how it happened
[] FT, Dec 12, 2024 - Nato’s European members discuss 3% target for defence spending
[3] USA Spending Gov - Department of Defense
[4] Politico, Dec 7, 2024 - EU defense chief wants €100B for weapons
[5] Julia Gledhill, Stimson, Dec 2, 2024 - The Ugly Truth about the Permanent War Economy
[6] BMJ Editorial, Feb 2024 - Selling NHS patient data
It seems that the facade has been purposely dropped. They are openly telling us what they want, it’s so brazen it’s almost unbelievable. The technocrats plan to make politicians so inept as to be dismissed by the populace has worked, with the current crop, inept, corrupt and despised by the majority and mistrusted by the rest.
The masses are then guided towards and openly ask the technocrats to help - ie saviours like ‘Elon’ - the one name status being carefully cultivated to create a warmth that hides something that one can’t put your finger on - and other savouries like the Donald who’s genuine love of his country one can’t help but feel will be used and manipulated in some awful way by the truly awful real powers.
The contempt for politicians has never been so low - they were always disliked but now the visceral hatred is visible and the problem is the people are so angry but don’t know how to mobilise or where to direct their very real disgust for the modern political class.
The recent coordinated messages that we need to spend more on ‘defence’ (read profit or attack but not defence) was so obvious as to be laughable.
The Dutch prime minister elected by no one but all of a sudden the voice of the Netherlands told the country to stack up with supplies and be ready for war while the average man and woman sat at home open mouthed at the TV wondering if this was an AI inspired joke.
It was said with such (in)sincerity that he must have been holding in his laugh and had a great time telling his friends later what he had just said to those ‘idiots’!
"Trump's tariff threat could force Canada to face tough decisions on sovereignty"
'Nuff said, except Canada does not have full sovereignty (suzerainty), and never did.
Virtually no thinking Canadian will even consider a word of what is going on domestically, and globally, is limited to the MSM.
I brought this news item up with a co coffee buddy today, and the stare hew gave me back was so revealing, as was his answer, "Everything is death, destruction, war, bio-threats, corruption. I don't bother with the hyped disinformation!"
I said, "True. But have you considered why?"
"Have you at least considered what is happening in Palestine?"
As he gets up to leave, "Don't you f***ing try and guilt trip me!"
Me: "I am merely asking you to consider informing yourself!"
Moneycircus: is this intellectual outcome from our rote education system the best that can be achieved?
Level of mis-education = paygrade.
Level of preferential ignorance = monetary reward (at least for now)
Level of intelligence = degree of neglect.