Crisis Update - Media Must Compromise And Infantilize
From movies to commentary, the march towards the Gray State is disguised
The Guardian in 2016 reported on the electro-magnetic control of humans
The United Nations praised China for ‘smart camps’ linked by Internet of Things
Leading media titles now consider these topics off limits
Gray State, a cancelled film, is a metaphor for our fear of engaging gray matter
We march into a police-transhuman tyranny if we fail to answer to our conscience
Transhumanists may have feelings, but they have limits, too
(2,800 words or 13 minutes of your company.)
Aug 22, 2022
An article from The Guardian, in 2016, before it had been largely subverted by spooks, discusses remote magnetic control of the nervous system — a topic few media will touch now that it’s no longer science fiction. [1]
In 2021 the United Nations praised China for its “smart camps” that use electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and Internet of Things (IoT) to improve “the safety of peacekeeping camps and enhancing the capacity of peacekeeping operations.” [2]
This would use tech like that developed by Ubiquita, for “turning streetlights and utility poles into smart assets that deliver data driven insights.” [3]
While most alt media steers clear of 5G and refuses to question its purpose, it is the injectable, invasive, controlling technology at the level of cell and neuron that is most worrying.
Control of human bodies, or their reduction to machines, must happen, The World Economic Forum’s pop up narrator Yuval Harari insists, because governments don’t need people any more. From the perspective of the transhumanist cult, the human life form is just a step on the way to integrate the brain with man-made technology, opening the door for humans to become gods.
This remote, magnetic control of the nervous system is a topic most media is afraid to touch. Yet The Guardian wrote in 2015:
“Researchers in the United States have developed a new method for controlling the brain circuits associated with complex animal behaviours, using genetic engineering to create a magnetised protein that activates specific groups of nerve cells from a distance.
“Understanding how the brain generates behaviour is one of the ultimate goals of neuroscience – and one of its most difficult questions. In recent years, researchers have developed a number of methods that enable them to remotely control specified groups of neurons and to probe the workings of neuronal circuits.”
Despite such information being in the public domain, some more recent denizens of the alt media have dismissed in sneering terms the initially sloppily-presented Spanish research by La Quinta Columna — though later corroborated by others — setting back understanding of this technology at least to before The Guardian article of six years ago.
“The most powerful of these is a method called optogenetics, which enables researchers to switch populations of related neurons on or off on a millisecond-by-millisecond timescale with pulses of laser light. Another recently developed method, called chemogenetics, uses engineered proteins that are activated by designer drugs and can be targeted to specific cell types.”
The active ingredient may be graphene or some other nano-level components, such as nanotubes used for the timed release of something — Pfizer acknowledges it uses lipid nanoparticles but does not say what’s in them. This is consistent with the following “fact check.” [4]
In the second of last year’s two big trials obliterated this year in the public mind by Amber Heard and Johnny Depp — Ghislaine Maxwell being the first — Charles Lieber was prosecuted over his links to institutes in Wuhan. Lieber holds the key patents on LNP, specifically for the kind of self-assembling particles that Reuters dismisses in its fact check. [5]
Rather than graphene, Lieber uses nanowires of various materials that “grow” in liquid suspension. We are now seeing lengths of fibrous material pulled out of the clotted veins of dead injectees who have died of clots — but these are not blood clots.
The food technologist Mike Adams has used his spectometry and other equipment to show that the clots contain much less magnesium and trace elements than would be present in blood, and much higher levels of conductive elements like tin — in fact, six or seven times more — along with carbon (from which graphene is made) that are alien to, or very low, in blood. [6]
The fibrous clots are not red, though sometimes bloody from being newly extracted — rather white, the texture of calamar or squid. They clearly are self-assembling, and seem to attract elements that have been injected into the blood system, such as tin and carbon.
The assertion by Bill Gates and others that the injectables don’t cross the blood-brain barrier is lost to the mists of time. No-one bothers to deny it now. The mis-speak survived for a while because it had not yet been accepted that SARS-Cov2 was made in a lab. No one bothers to deny that either.
This is the is it, isn’t it, make believe world of Fakt Cheka that Reuters inhabits.
Since the journal Nature now accepts that Covid-19 crosses into the brains of mice, and since many injectees are suffering strokes, we know it works the same in baby mice and baby humans. [7]
Check for yourself
Although Reuters accuses Adams of “conspiracy and pseudoscience” the owner of Natural News has called on anyone to refute his findings. My ultimate boss at Reuters’ ex-CEO Tom Glocer is currently a director at Merck and of the NATO-linked Atlantic Council . Present CEO Steve Hasker sits on the board of Pfizer. [Updated Apr 2023]
Don’t snigger when I tell you Hasker also advises the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative. [8]
Anti-corruption is the new corruption.
And Reuters new global business director spent 33 years with the Central Intelligence Agency. Go figure. [9]
The reader can perhaps see the extent of information control, but it has not yet reached its limits. The World Economic Forum proposes a Global Coalition for Digital Safety to counter health misinformation, violent extremist and terrorist content, and the exploitation of children online. The WEF will hire thousands of part-time internet police to ensure contrary opinions do not see the light of day. [10]
The children will not stop until they have all the toys.
The adage of never believe anything until it has been officially denied is as old as the hills. The technique of projection is central to Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals (1971) as well as the CIA’s promotion of the phrase “conspiracy theories” to counter those who inquired into the public execution of president John F Kennedy and the CIA’s employment in some degree of Lee Harvey Oswald. (FOIA release, 1976).
So SADS About Us
The acronym “seasonally affected disorder” has been repurposed as Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. The once-rare phenomenon of childhood dementia becomes strangely common for a rare disease. If you hear people talk of Sanfillipo, that’s it.
And the children’s playgrounds have defibrillators because no-one is safe until all are safe — and since no space is safe, no person can ever be safe. In the world turned upside down human resilience is negated by the evermore shrill insistence for resilience. [11]
It is precisely this inversion of the sanctity of childhood that stands at the heart of the effort to bring down God by turning selected, self-appointed humans into godlets.
Childhood once was Eden: a blissful carefree existence before they would be exposed to Mammon and the base transactional values of the world. It is true that not all children lived in the rural idyll of Arthur Ransome’s Swallows and Amazons. Some grew up in poverty, others were abused. Now, in the name of equity, the lives of all must be abased.
To have children, though not everyone’s choice, was a respected objective. The dominant values said one could choose to live as, or with whomsoever, one wished; but the lives of children and the bearing of them guaranteed the future of all. It was untouchable and unquestioned. It was a rare grump who growled at kids.
Now this is changing. “Next they will come for the children,” has already come to pass.
Transhumanists have children, too, but I suspect something changes as a consequence of their beliefs.
In, Should Transhumanists Have Children?, the transhumanist Zoltan Istvan makes a number of big assumptions. First he asserts that “the international movement of transhumanism is rapidly growing and diversifying.” [12]
He seems to take “free energy” for granted when he says transhumanism’s most important goal “remains the same: overcoming human mortality.” That in the future there will be more “all-digital” people uploaded into machines than actual blood-pumping humans.
It begs the question, do we have free energy (or low-cost) already? Tesla thought it was possible; there’s cold fusion; my grandfather watched steam-driven cars as a child — a video has gone viral of a 1950’s charcoal-fired motorcycle that does 50 mph — and we know that many low-cost energy sources have been quashed by the monopolies seeking to maintain artificial scarcity as well as the desire of social engineers to centralize energy supply as a means of control.
More likely, Istvan’s “short leap to the Singularity” is actually an invitation-only chartered trip for the aristocratic elite — so why bother the readers of Huff Post with it?
Our transhumanist friend either connives in the suppression of plentiful energy or forgets to take it into account: who is going to keep all these minds alive on computers? I suppose his answer is the usual Guardianista fall-back — the hive mind will generate such brilliant ideas the computer will be self-sustaining.
Another point: you can see one source of the transgender thing: “even the concepts of male and female will probably disappear unless a reasonable purpose inside the digital frontier is found for either.” This variant of trans is just another transit or exit to depopulation.
Is the outlook as limited as that envisaged by those who would be slaves to the machine or is the potential both more grounded and even brighter, as per Carl Sagan?
“Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.”
Gray State
Are you familiar with the movie Gray State, whose director, an Iraq war veteran-turned-filmmaker David Crowley? It’s not to be confused with A Gray State, a 2017 documentary in to the death of Crowley, with his entire family, when he’d only made the trailer.
The state corporate media says he killed his wife, daughter and dog because he had lost his mind — presumably due to belief in conspiracy theories. Yet Crowley’s analysis aligns more closely with events by the day.
To quote Crowley, “the light of humanity is not its technical capability to enslave each other but a common understanding that if I am to be truly free, I must observe your right to be free as well.”
“Under the current paradigm, the complacency of future generations will allow the cyclical return of tyranny. If you support our efforts to get this [film] into mainstream theatres we can together divert the social and political conscience away from the destructive apathetic sleep state that we are in. Gray State can be our Trojan horse into mainstream media injecting real issues... no Hollywood studio will touch Gray State project due to its contentious nature.” (Ron Paul event, 2012)
Hollywood as fake news
In the run up to Event Covid, Hollywood was in an apocalyptic binge. Probably the stand-out film was The Hunger Games, which made Jennifer Lawrence into a movie star, shortly before she became a star of another genre when her bedroom exploits were hacked from her iCloud account.
Were the two events connected and perhaps part of the contract? Bear with me.
The premise of The Hunger Games, Divergent and such dystopian films is that youthdom rebels and tries to overthrow the regime. In practice, tyrannies always co-opt the youth as true believers, as their eyes and ears. The USSR made a hero of Pavel Morozov, a 13 year-old Young Pioneer (aged 10-15) who denounced his father and was in turn “martyred” for the revolution by his family.
His story was retold in a symphonic poem, a full-length opera, six biographies, and popular songs and readings. Sergei Eisenstein even made a film in 1937 that was never released. In it, the youth confronts his father Samokhin who is trying to sabotage the collective farm by burning its grain.
Eisenstein filmed some of his greatest images but committed political “errors,”one during the sacking of a church, when the villagers transform between the attackers and the victims, the oppressor and the angelic — rich in religious symbology — Eisenstein explored the concepts of good and evil.
It is remarkable that Eisenstein survived as this was the height of Stalin’s purges. The old Georgian must have really liked The Battleship Potemkin.
Seriously, Eisenstein realized that the story of Pavel Morozov was too simplistic to become a film, and he blended it with Ivan Turgenev’s Bezhin Meadow, or Bezhin Lug (1852) a short story from Turgenev's travels through Russia. [13]
The film was commissioned by the Communist Youth League, or Komsomol (the senior of three youth leagues, aged up to 28), to honor their efforts in disciplining collective farms.
It seems Eisenstein knew how the youth organizations operated: there would be no struggle between good and evil, for the science had been settled. The only duty was compliance and obedience. Not much of a hero’s journey in that script.
You don’t get divergence (or become divergent) nor fight hunger games except as an enforcer, seizing grain from villagers.
Under Новый Быт (Novyi Byt - New Life) the Komsomol promoted “a lively, active, healthy, disciplined youngster who subordinates himself to the collective” and used the youth to campaign against religion, since the young were more keen on upheaval, more likely to pursue disruption unquestioningly than elders who had experienced a different way of life.
Notice the dead eyes.
All of which is to say that Hollywood makes Soviet propaganda. It is based on a false premise, that the youth will be the resistance to the regime rather than its fist or victim. And it presents the regime as clownish buffoons, at once malicious yet outwitted intellectually by the youth who “have their number.”
This is not to knock the youth. They are being sold pessimism, just as Harry Potter (the gap that The Hunger Games filled) sold magic and an impenetrable elitism, and The Twilight Zone, vampiric elitism.
In THG, the Capitol has huge electronic and bio-engineering capabilities, yet these are used to keep most of the population in poverty. This is not the paradox it seems: consider that it simply brings the poverty of the most desperate developing nations closer to home in the same way that military and surveillance techniques developed in Vietnam and Iraq make their way to a police precinct near you.
Have you seen you the Congolese men crawl through makeshift tunnels to dig cobalt with their bare hands, for the shiny new world of lithium battery everything? [14]
The author Suzanne Collins (Mockingjay) leaves open this tendency for manipulation and cruelty without explaining or providing an answer.
At the end of the day, Hollywood had no problem working with Collins’ vision but it refused to touch David Crowley’s The Gray State.
The Hunger Games is a world “as is” — you can challenge it but you won’t succeed. A Gray State was intended to act as a warning, actionable intelligence, or at the very least a conscious and thoughtful consideration of where society is heading
Decoding the language
“Learn to code” — to code is hospital slang for to die
“Eat the bugs” — locusts have always been associated with death, destruction, famine and the wrath of God.
I think they're playing with us. What has already been wreaked upon humanity does not point to a future where the majority will develop their technical skills while munching on fried locusts and spiced bugs.
[1] The Guardian, 2016 — Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour
[2] UN, 2021 — Harness Digital Technology to Protect Peacekeepers, Civilians, Security Council Urges, Adopting Presidential Statement
[3] Ubicquita
[4] Reuters, 2020 — Fact check: Lipid nanoparticles in a COVID-19 vaccine are there to transport RNA molecules
[5] Moneycircus — Lieber Case: Filling In The Blanks: Double agent or compromised? Chemist finds himself in no-man's land
[6] HRR, Jul 27, 2022 — Post-vaccine clots taken from deceased individuals contain surprising amounts of metals
[7] Nature, 2020 — The S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood–brain barrier in mice
[8] McKinsey (doesn’t bother to date) — Meet the alum who's connecting a globalized world
[9] Thomson Reuters, anytime — Dawn Scalici, Government Global Business Director
[10] WEF, no date provided — A Global Coalition for Digital Safety
[11] Gov UK, Jul 17, 2022 — How we are ensuring all schools have lifesaving defibrillators
[12] Zoltan Istvan, Huff Post, 2014 — Should Transhumanists Have Children?
[13] Janice Campbell, EIL, 2021 — Bezhin Meadow by Ivan Turgenev
[14] Foreign Correspondent, Feb 2022 — Mining Blood Cobalt
A beautiful red antler.
I noticed the Grey State trailer features a KKK-like man with a GMail apron right at the end. You cannot meaningfully name the system administrators and live, unless you are one of them of course.
Those people's mythology has an important place for transgenderism. To make sure no one awake missed the new agenda, they even brought down Jachin, Boaz and the "temple" on 9/11, rebuilding a single pillar, geometrically a melding of two, with the round platform and the tower now combined on the same spot.
It looks like Jim Smith, the former CEO of Thomson and predecessor to Steve Hasker, is the globalist that sits on the Pfizer board. He continued to advise Hasker during the heart of covid. The conflict of interest argument remains sound.