Crisis Update - China’s Xi Secures Third Term
Technocrats control China and will mirror its model onto the collapsed Western nations
New Central Committee elected, Xi Jinping declared leader for a third term.
Former president Hu Jintao escorted from congress, censors scrub downfall.
Britain teters, Truss’ handlers will impose the architect of order from chaos.
Europe faces energy apartheid as schism over Russia splits nations.
Eugenics remains the objective, as the CDC puts children in the firing line.
A new Great Generation emerges, carrying the hope of humanity.
(3,000 words or about 15 minutes of your time.)
See also Chronicle of Dissent - China Clams Up, Sep 2021
See Eurasia note #43 - China and Israel, The New Silk Road, Apr 2022
Oct 23, 2022
Like the world wars whose impact has spilled over into the 21st century, today’s collapse has its roots in a series of financial crises leading up to that of 2007-09.
China, like other emerging markets, was hit even harder than many Western countries, as foreigners withdrew their investments to settle obligations at home. China’s stock market lost two-thirds of its value and growth was halved.
Then-president Hu Jintao abandoned his plan to expand social welfare and reduce inequality, to focus on spurring growth at any cost. He kept a strong grip on society, spending more on internal policing than national defence. [1]
The choice for his successor president Xi Jinping, was to fortify the rule of law, underpinning property rights and personal autonomy and accountability, and reducing the thicket of regulation in which corruption feeds, thus encouraging people to go into business — or to put a lid on social unrest by surveillance and policing.
Xi, who became paramount leader in 2012 and president the next year, has opted for the latter, taking a more top-down approach to control not just of the party but the corporate sector and society.
His latest move, pushing into retirement senior party figures perceived as more moderate — while retaining military and diplomatic functionaries seen as more combative — is evidence of the centralized consolidation of economy and society at home and muscluar interaction abroad. [2]
Positioning the communist party at the heart of the political architecture does not, however, mean the nature of his regime is Marxist. Statism is a means of control, as American citizens are learning. The impulse is increasingly technology, determining the data-centric enmeshing of all pillars of society and economy, in what is necessarily a communitarian endeavour.
The author studied at the London School of Economics the Cuban microcosm of the 1960s, under minister of industrial development Che Guevara. His goal, unrealized at the time, was to manage all inputs and outputs by computer — precisely the aim of today’s technocrats. Installed by the Rockefeller-influenced State Department, the Castro experiment did not succeed in its probable intent — though it sowed its seed for the future. Perhaps we can set the romance of communism aside and recognise technocracy as one modern incarnation of scientific socialism.
Soft Cell
Last year Xi borrowed from Saudi Arabia’s prime minister, prince Mohammed Bin Salman, the extraction of a wealth tax from billionaires, particularly those seen to be close to the West. Companies were advised to build homes for living, not for speculation, and the government continued to pressure companies not to expose themselves to foreign exchange fluctuations and to reduce borrowing abroad.
Other aspects of the Common Prosperity policy included “Xi Jinping Thought” which became obligatory at school. Online games were to be limited to three hours a week, there was a ban on unpatriotic karaoke songs, and people were advised to work less and socialize more.
Party cells play an increasing role in corporate governance. In 2002 just over a quarter of companies had a party cell, by 2018 that was approaching half, according to the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. That year the government made it a requirement for all companies listing on the stock exchange.
Surveillance has expanded dramatically, with censors clamping down on dissent. As if to underline this, former president Hu Jintao, 79, was removed from his seat next to Xi and led out of the Congress during its closing ceremony on Saturday. China’s censors went to work, removing any recent reference to Hu.
The implication is that Hu opposed Xi gaining a third term. A limit of two terms has been observed in recent decades. Politburo standing committee member Li Zhanshu attempted to stand up, but was urged back into his seat by another member. The media was lit with rumours of a coup against Xi last month, for much of which he stayed out of the public eye after returning from a visit to Uzbekistan. Perhaps it was a symbolic break with the past — we shall not know.
CNN’s coverage of the Hu Jintao’s apparent arrest was censored locally and MSN (Microsoft Network) restricted its coverage to a bland and trunkated Reuters report. The interests of international business, especially the Rockefeller-Gates nexus, are closely aligned with China.
Microsoft opened a research centre in China in 1992, currently its largest outside the U.S., employing more than 6,000 people, compared to 2,300 in Israel. Unlike other big tech companies, Microsoft complies fully with China’s censorship requirements, for example locating its LinkedIn servers in the country. Since it accounts for less than two per cent of MS revenues, the relationship with China is about more than financial gain.
Technocratic nature
Professor Antony Sutton of Stanford University argued that the left-right analogy for politics is bogus; rather the division is between those who want individual political freedom versus those who want a centralized state. Because they are monopolists — of production and political control — the state and the oligarchs are on the same side. His co-author on technocracy Patrick Wood says technocrats are not communists or Marxists or fascists. Although they could call themselves any of those things, technocracy is the science of social engineering. The algorithm makes the decisions. They despise politicians.
This is what closes the circle between the banker-technocrats in the West and those in the East. It is why the Rockefellers and their Trilateral Commission helped integrate China with the wider economy: as Wood argues, China did not become capitalist, rather technocracy was exported to China.
Now the technocrats have sprung a trap, launching an all-encompassing mechanism that interlocks every aspect of life. Technocracy, Wood told Spiro Skouras, needs to be stopped and knocked back into the last century where it belongs. [3]
New World
If Halford Mackinder’s Heartland Theory, described in “The Geographical Pivot of History” was intended to avoid Britain and America being reduced to vassal states by a Germany allied to Russia, where do we stand?
Russia accounts for about a third of the world’s resources. These in turn determine the path of globalization. China accounts for more than half the world’s annual consumption of aluminum, and almost half of its nickel, copper, zinc, tin and steel. It seems fairly clear that Mackinder has been updated.
The economist Jeffrey Sachs observes that the U.S. and Anglosphere are trying to maintain military dominance at a time when they are in economic decline. The BRICS countries, including China, India and Russia, now account for 40 per cent of world economic activity.
In particular the U.S. political leadership resent China’s rise. Since 2014 they recast China not as country recovering from a turbulent history but as an enemy.
Sachs is one of the authorities on sustainable development, which some regard as a euphemism for artificial scarcity and depopulation but, taking him at his word, he makes a cogent case for the Russia-Ukraine war as a costly diversion from addressing the monetary collapse and climate agenda.
Britain has its own diversion, Liz Truss resigning after 44 days, the shortest holder of the office of prime minister in British history. I mocked her as foreign secretary for her lack of work experience. Truss went straight from Oxford University to run the local Conservative Association. As foreign secretary she was fooled by her Russian opposite number, exposing her ignorance of geography: Rostov-on-Don and Voronezh are in Russia.
As I wrote in July, long before Truss would be elevated to PM, she was thought to be controlled by former MI6 boss Richard Dearlove. A trove of Dearlove’s emails was hacked in May 2022 which showed the former spy was head of a group called Operation Sunrise, that undermined former prime minister Theresa May for her failure to deliver Brexit promptly. The emails from 2018-2019 show Dearlove works on behalf of British oligarchs who pay his bills.
The group selected Boris Johnson to replace May and is believed to have lost confidence in Johnson, backing the pliable Truss instead. Wikipedia even added a separate page for Truss government crisis to avoid confusion with Johnson era, and perhaps to manage our perceptions.
See Crisis Update - UK Gov Collapsing: War, Covid and Great Reset coincide in mutual drive for order out of chaos, Jul 6, 2022
See also Eurasia note #21 - UK Foreign Flub: Diplomatic trek to Moscow fails to build understanding on Ukraine, Feb 13, 2022
The Bank of England is killing Britain but for whom are they working? The Alexes on The Duran have a great take. They reckon the plan is to maneuver MI5's Kier Starmer into power as a deep fake socialist in the mold of Tony Blair. You don’t get to be director of public prosecutions without the security services approving. He avoided prosecuting Jimmy Savile. He deployed the anti-Semitism canard to destroy the deep state’s nightmare, Jeremy Corbyn. Starmer has the face of an anaesthetized potato but he is happy to let blood as a razor.
Starmer’s bosses are the same as those of Macron and von der Leyen: the entitled bankers and authoritarians. Does the polysterene Left have anything to say about the entrenched wealthy centralizing their control of the state before their eyes, or on Germany's remilitarization?
Expect more glassy-eyed East European policemen as Britain follows Germany in marching towards martial law.
The likely next PM Jeremy Hunt is connected to China through his wife Lucia Guo, who presents a show on China hour on Sky TV ‘that “whitewashes Communist Party's human rights abuse,” created by state-owned China International TV Corporation.
Data metaphor
I've long written about the shift from production to outcomes management. If you manipulate data on sufficient scale and control resources — from energy and minerals to food — money is irrelevant. Cash was a means to control, which through devaluation has become impotent.
Governments are spending money like water and central banks keep the spigots sloshing. Money has lost its value except for some fading residual power as a psychological tool of control. Money is being used like a giant wave to wash us onto a sand spit. Those who do not drown will come to their senses upon an unknown outcrop of rock. As the water subsides they’ll find themselves without money, seeking a new way to survive.
For the powers that be, that new order will be the direct control of resources, apportioned by managed outcomes, decided by data. The coming collapse is the switch from money to data.
Currencies are moving to parity in preparation for CBDC. The Vatican recently called home its investments. PayPal attempted to “fine” users $2500 for wrongthink. This looks like a self-inflicted implosion. The object is to leave people without any banking at all.
Since 2000 we have seen CEOs resigning. Companies have focused on buying back shares. The biggest corporations have become monopolies and regulators don’t care. Is the market over?
What matters is data not money. It is not just about control of resources but predicting the future. It will be disguised with ritual for the masses not to see what is happening and for initiates to get their spoonful of sugar.
They primacy of ritual is, I suspect, why Kary Mullis and David Graeber had to die. Not only so that their ideas could be appropriated but also so that the PCR test-up-the-nose could join the ritual of Covid — the puncturing of humanity — along with the masks and distance. In the Graeber’s case he was the leading anthropologist of ritual as the root of exchange and its role in hierarchy and power.
Immunity — from prosecution, not sickness
The Centers for Disease Control or CDC’s Vaccine Advisory Committee added the coof shot to the childhood vaccine schedule. As a result, the shot goes from emergency use authorisation, with minimal testing, directly into the CDC’s recommended list which means manufacturers are shielded from liability or any need to compensate victims.
You require these shots to attend public school in most states. Are we going to see a revolution in education or are parents lining up to sacrifice their children on the altar of the state?
The U.S. has four per cent of the world’s population but the most Coof deaths — over a million, says Scott Schara, whose Downs Syndrome daughter Grace was morphined to death a year ago.
Next after the U.S. is India, with half a million.
On October 13, the U.S. medical emergency provisions were extended for another 90 days. Hospitals will continue to get their bonus money for coofing patients, and the PREP Act continues, buying compliance and complacence with grants of money, and giving immunity to all concerned.
In September Joe Biden said the pandemic was over. Yet more than 1,000 people continue to be hospitalized every day with the coof. Statistics suggest they suffer from a small glass bottle — yet those with no access to the elixir do not.
It is managed thought, which leads the reader to fixate on an event at the cost of ignoring our present predicament. It is forbidden to question the lack of evidence, or even to refer to the past in our own defence — as happens now when people try to appeal to the Nuremberg Code.
Energy apartheid
Member of the ruling coalition in Italy and former president Silvio “bunga, bunga” Berlusconi is still friends with president Vladimir Putin of Russia who sent him 20 bottles of vodka for his birthday.
In a leaked conversation Berlusconi blamed Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskiy for provoking Russia into invading. Like the Nord Stream pipeline, is it an accidental leak or a deliberate one? The latter, most likely.
Italy is temporarily not taking Russian gas due to regulatory hurdles in transit through Austria. Italy’s improving relations with Russia could secure its gas needs, as in the case of Hungary.
Germany, France, and the Netherlands are cut off, and president Emmanuel Macron complained that the U.S. was not keeping its promise to supply gas at a reasonable price to replace that lost to sanctions.
U.S. exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to France increased more than 400 per cent in the first eight months of this year, but the price jumped in August alone by more than 1,000 per cent.
Corporations in the U.S. benefit from lower energy prices and state subsidies that are illegal under European Union rules, Macron said.
Energy companies in the U.S. are making super-profits, as are those of Norway, home to NATO Sec Gen Jens Stoltenberg. This does not mean the American people are benefiting of course, any more than ordinary Norwegians.
A third of Britons could fall into “fuel poverty” next spring if the government cancels household subsidies.
Defined as the inability to afford energy that supports a healthy lifestyle, fuel poverty already affects 13 per cent of households in England, 25 in Scotland, 12 in Wales, and 18 per cent in Northern Ireland, according to a parliamentary briefing in May.
Caspian tensions
Iran is being drawn into the crisis between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
Azerbaijan, which attacked Armenia last month, prompting an exchange of fire that led to between 50 and 100 casualties on each side, wants to build a corridor reaching the western enclave of Nakhchivan, which is isolated from the rest of Azerbaijan by the Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.
Iran, to the south, says such a corridor could obstruct its trade with Armenia.
Iran has launched what it calls massive military exersises involving pontoon bridges to cross the Aras River, on its border with Azerbaijan.
Mind control
Talking about a negation of credulity, what to make of the latest attempt to fine Alex Jones almost $3 trillion?
When I lived in the U.S. during the 2016 campaingn, Bernie Sanders was drawing huge crowds until he was excluded from running and then Trump drew the same. For the political manipulators the crowd, not the politician, was the target. We are urged to this day to ignore the popular voice and conclude they are all, left right and centre, deplorables because they don’t take part in the two minutes hate.
I think what we see here is the projection of “liberal” guilt - and, boy, does it run deep.
Positive note
In a year you can get back to me and say, “don’t be nasty to the bankers.”
Aaron Brickman on Health Ranger Report is excellent. He says many people are living too far in the future.
We face war and famine, plus depopulation. That is enough to contend with. If this goes badly, which is likely, ain’t none of those internationalist, futurist dreamscapes coming to pass.
The structures they are trying to build, which they intend to be the new system that follows the fourth turning, are far from assured of success.
Central bank digital currency (CBDC) if it gets off the ground, is hugely complex and the World Economic Forum and the Silicon Valley snowflakes probably don’t appreciate the gap between theories and practice.
Globalization is dead, the globalist tendency has yet to catch on and 2030 is not happening.
Time to get practical and quit the theorising — and that applies to the central bankers and the globalist, transhuman imagineers
This is already bigger than the 1929 crash. If the Dow gets to 21,500 it is heading to 11,000. And if it gets there then the banks which are all leveraged are going to collapse.
In your mind write off anything that’s in a pension or the stock market if you can’t get it out. As for banks, exit any big bank right now. Credit unions or mattresses only.
Do you trust the people who broke the system to build it back — let alone better! We must claim our voice to determine the next turning.
Brickman reminds us never to act in fear — he/you/I never made a good decision in a state of fear. So keep tuning out the TV, because the chance of revolution has never been higher.
Far, far fewer American colonists were alert in 1770s to the pressures the drive the revolution. Today you have to be willfully dense to not know what’s going on. The division between masses-elite, good-evil has never been more obvious.
Power, cornered, always turns violent. Who do they face? In terms of the fourth turning, the power nexus is face to face with the greatest generation: late Millennial leaning into Generation Z. Forget the blue hair and piercings, there are some who will get it. My son (b 2009) is one of them.
They don’t realize their power yet because the times make the man and woman. We can help them by demanding the best of them.
The greatest generation grew out of the depression of the 1930s and survived WW2. To quote Brickman, “They didn't know in 1938, when they were 16 and working on a farm in Indiana, that five years later they would be landing on the beaches of Normandy.”
“Hard times are the crucible. That’s when you come alive. That’s when you find who your friends are. It will be the best of times, it will be the worst of times but it’s all up to you.” [4]
[1] Foreign Policy, 2012 -- Hu Jintao’s Legacy
[2] NYT, Oct 22, 2022 — Xi Jinping Expands His Power, Elevating Loyalists, Forcing Out Moderates
[3] Activist Post, 2020 — Patrick Wood, speaking to Spiro Skouras
[4] Health Ranger Report, Oct, 2022 — Aaron Brickman talks to Mike Adams